
Controlling of the Photochemical Smog

  • 摘要: 利用MM5与RADM的耦合模式,设计了3个削减源排放的试验,用以探讨控制光化学污染的有效途径。试验结果表明,在NMHC/NOx比值很大的前提条件下,NOx地面源排放的削减对降低大气中O3含量的作用最显著,而削减NMHC对降低大气中PAN含量的作用明显,同时削减NMHC和NOx是降低大气光化学污染强度的最佳途径。


    Abstract: Three experiments of emission sources cutting down were carried out to find out the best way for controlling the photochemical pollution by using the coupling model of MM 5 and RADM. The results show that when the ratio of NMHC/NOx is large, the cutting down of surface NOx source emission is the most efficient way to decrease O3 in atmosphere while the cutting down of NMHC is most efficient way to decrease PAN in atmosphere, and cutting down of NMHC and NOx at the same time is best way to control the atmospheric photochemical pollution.


