The Climatic from Troposphere to Lower Stratosphere at Mid-latitude Along 120° E and Its Relation with Ozone Variation
摘要: 利用1958~1995年海拉尔、沈阳、南京三地区地面至30 hPa标准层月平均气温资料,研究了近40年沿120°E、30°~50°N区域气候变率随高度、纬度和季节的分布特征,前、后两个20年气候变率的变动及其与亚欧不同地区臭氧变化的联系。结果指出:近20年来,该区域对流层中下部变暖速率随纬度显著增大,尤其在冬季;200 hPa以上变冷速率亦随高度及纬度显著增大,尤其在冬、春季。而前、后两个20年,高、低层气候变化趋势截然相反,这是一种年代际尺度气候变化。三地区各季节平流层下部变冷率(对流层中下部变暖率)随纬度增高而加大与邻近同纬带地区臭氧减少率随纬度增高而加大的现象基本对应,表明平流层下部因臭氧减少引起的辐射加热减少,可能是支配我国东部平流层下部变冷率(对流层中下部变暖率)随纬度增高而显著加大的一个重要因子。Abstract: Using the mean monthly temperature data of Nanjing, Shenyang and Hailar from surface to 30 hPa during 1958 to 1995, the variable features on the climatic variability of the regions along 120° E from 30° N to 50° N with altitude-latitude-season are studied, and the relations with ozone variation in East Asia, adjacent area of same latitude and Eurasia key areas of high-latitude are also discussed.