
Forecast Experiment for Operational Application of Water Loading Prediction Model

  • 摘要: 该文在国家气象中心现行有限区域业务预报模式(LAM)的基础上,把模式的水平分辨率由1°×1°提高到0.5°×0.5°经纬度网格,垂直层次由15层变为20层。在原有物理过程中引入显式降水方案,并使用HLAFS业务系统的实时资料对1997年8月的一次登陆台风造成的强降水过程进行了个例预报试验,取得了较为合理的预报效果。


    Abstract: This paper is based on the operational limited area prediction model run in National Meteorological Center. The horizontal resolution was increased from 1°×1° to 0.5°×0.5° grid in latitude and longitude. The vertical layer was increased from 15 to 20, and the explicit precipitation scheme was introduced into the model physical processes. Using the improved model, a case of forecast experiment on heavy rainfall caused by a landing typhoon in August, 1997 was made, and the results are reasonable.


