
Estimates of Regional Evapotranspiration in Various Surfaces

  • 摘要: 文章改进了计算蒸发散通量的 Kotada-Barton模式(K-B模式)。经长江三角洲地区和淮河流域试验区各种不同陆面条件(水面,森林,麦田和水稻田)下的实际应用并通过和其它方法比较,认为该方法计算精度与涡动相关法及鲍恩比法相当,不论是计算蒸发散通量的瞬时值或日值都具有较高的可信度。该方法的最大优点在于它仅仅依赖于土地资源遥感信息、常规气象资料和基础地理信息如地面高程,而到目前为止上述资料均可以通过卫星等手段及常规观测得到。利用此方法计算了长江三角洲地区各种地表面上1995年各月的蒸发散量及该地区的区域平均蒸发散量。结果证明此方法具有较高的精确度,且基础资料容易得到,是一种估计不同地表覆盖条件下的蒸发散量和具有复杂的地形和土地利用条件下的区域平均蒸发散量的有用工具。


    Abstract: The Kotoda-Bortan (K-B) model, used for estimating evapotranspiration, is modified. The estimates of evapotranspoiration on various surfaces from the modified model are compared with those from the Kotaoda model, Advection-Aridity model, Eddy-Correlation and Bowen radio methods, based on the data collected in the Yangtze Delta Field Experiment (1999) and the Huaihe River Basin Energy and Water Cycle Experiment (HUBEX, 1998). The results show that the evapotranspiration estimates from the modified model are very close to those from the Eddy-Correlation and Bowen radio methods both for instantaneous and daily emtimations. The modified model has the following advantages: (1) the necessary input data are limited to those easily obtainable from routine meteorological observation, remote sensing technique and geographical information system; (2) it can be used to estimate evapotranspiration not only from arid and semi-surfaces, but also from wet and vegetated surfaces; (3) the results can be given as digitized square-grid maps. Using this model, we estimated evapotranspiration on various surfaces in the Yangtze Delta region (118° – 123° E, 28° – 33° N) in 1995, and the regional average of evapotranspiration is calculated by the weight mean method .


