
Method for Detecting Rain Cloud Structure with Wind Profilers

  • 摘要: 风廓线仪用于探测大气三维风的分布,当有降水出现时,受雨滴下降末速度的影响,不能直接得到大气的真实风在垂直方向上随时间的演变。风廓线仪与多普勒天气雷达都是采用脉冲多普勒体制,因此对于有降水时的风廓线仪资料,通过雷达气象方程能够获取探测空间附近的降水回波强度垂直剖面结构、云中降水含水量以及测站上空雨滴下降的平均多普勒速度;同时利用雨滴下降的平均多普勒速度对风廓线仪垂直观测资料进行修正,可以得到降水云体中三维风随高度分布的演变。


    Abstract: Wind profilers are used for detecting the wind distribution of the atmosphere. During precipitation, owing to the influence of the terminal velocity of raindrops, the temporal variation of the real vertical wind structure can not be obtained directly. As wind profiler and Doppler weather radar are based on the same Doppler pulse principles, through the radar meteorological equation, the vertical structure of precipitation echo intensity, the content of liquid water in clouds and the Doppler terminal velocity of raindrops can be acquired. At the same time the wind structure of the atmosphere can be obtained through correction by the Doppler terminal velocity of precipitation particales .


