
Characteristics of Aerosol Optical Depth Distributions over Sichuan Basin Derived from MODIS Data

  • 摘要: 利用MODIS卫星遥感光学厚度产品,分析了四川盆地光学厚度分布和季节变化特征。由于受沙尘天气的影响,春季四川盆地具有最大的平均光学厚度。盆地内几个大值区中,西部成都一带的中心常年维持,季节变化小;南部中心位于宜宾到重庆沿长江流域一带;东部南充到重庆间的大值中心,季节变化大,在夏季消失。光学厚度分布和季节变化的数据结果为研究区域气候变化提供了依据。


    Abstract: The characteristics and seasonal changes of the aerosol optical depth (AOD) distribution of the Sichuan Basin from MODIS products are analyzed. In spring there is the biggest seasonal average due to the dusty weathers. Several regional large value centers in the basin are found. The first is in the west near Chengdu and had less seasonal change. The second is in the south between Yibin and Chongqing. The third is between Nanchong and Chongqing and has the biggest seasonal change and disappears in summer. The results provide the basic data for regional climate and air pollution research.


