
Simulation of Daily Cycle of Boundary Layer Heat Island in Beijing

  • 摘要: 用非静力平衡的中尺度模式MM5来模拟北京冬季的热岛。模式采用三重嵌套网格,最高水平分辨率为3 km。在模式中加入分辨率为200 m×200 m的实测北京建筑物高度和地表利用资料,并将下垫面的城市人为热源分为常数部分和日周期变化部分。数值模拟结果显示:MM5模式对这次北京的热岛及热岛环流具有较好的模拟能力。考虑了日周期变化的人为热源作用的数值试验模拟出的热岛的日变化比将热源单纯考虑为常数与实况更接近,这表明加入与实际情况相符的人为热对模拟有改善。


    Abstract: The non-hydrostatic mesoscale model MM5 is used to simulate the winter heat island of Beijing city with three-fold nesting and the finest mesh resolution of 3 km. With the observed building heights and landuse data of a 200 m×200 m resolution in Beijing interpolating into the model, and dividing the urban artificial heat of the underlying surface into two parts (constant and daily-changing parts), the simulation results show that the numerical model can successfully simulate the heat island effect and its circulation. The simulated daily cycle of the heat island is closer to the observation for the daily-changing anthropogenic heat than for constant heat. It indicates that using the heat conforming with the observation in the model can improve the numerical simulation of the heat island.


