1998年南海季风试验期间海 气通量的估算

Estimate of Air-sea Fluxes During South China Sea Monsoon Experiment in 1998

  • 摘要: 根据1998年南海季风试验西沙海面铁塔梯度观测资料,利用总体(Bulk)系数法和多层结通量廓线法对西沙海面的海-气通量进行了估算,得出两种方法估算的潜热通量、感热通量基本一致。总体系数法估算的潜热通量比多层结通量廓线法略大1~3 W·m-2,感热通量小0~1.5 W·m-2。一般而言,季风爆发期间潜热输送逐渐增加;季风爆发前期夜间潜热通量比季风爆发后期大;季风爆发后期,白天潜热通量明显大于爆发初期和中期。感热通量季风爆发前海面向大气输送,爆发后期大气向海面输送。动量通量和摩擦速度随风速增加。


    Abstract: Based on the data of the South China Monsoon Experiment in 1998, the air-sea fluxes are estimated by using the bulk coefficient and multi-stratification formulas. The results of latent and the sensible heat fluxes by two methods are basically close. The latent heat flux is 1–3 W·m-2 larger and the sensible heat flux 0–1.5 W·m-2 smaller by the multi-stratification method than by the bulk coefficient method. Generally the latent heat flux increases gradually during the monsoon onset. The flux at night is larger before the monsoon onset than after. During the days, the flux is smaller in the beginning and middle of the monsoon onset period than the latter period. The sensible heat flux transports from the sea surface to atmosphere in the beginning of the monsoon onset and from the atmosphere to sea surface in the latter period of the monsoon onset. The momentum flux and friction velocity increase with speed.


