
Analysis of Weather Factors Influencing Routing Design of North Pacific Ocean in Winter

  • 摘要: 根据船舶气象导航的原理以及影响航线设计因素的原则,通过对北太平洋冬季爆发性气旋和温带气旋的特征分析以及风场、海浪气候的特点,指出船舶在设计航线时,应根据气候状况、天气形势分析及结合中短期预报设计一条既能充分利用有利的风、浪等因素又能避开大风浪等灾害性天气以达到安全、经济的目的。


    Abstract: Based on the fundamental tenets of weather-ocean routing and factors influencing routing design, the characteristics of explosive cyclones and extra-tropical cyclones in winter over the North Pacific Ocean are analysis, and the features of wind fields and sea waves are also taken into account. The results show that routing design should consider climate conditions, weather feature analyses and short/mid-range weather forecasts, so that ships can make use of favorable wind and sea waves and adverse weather (strong wind, high wave etc.) to secure and improve economical prof its.


