
Preliminary Research on Inhomogeneous Distribution of Tibetan Plateau Sensible Heat Fluxes in Spring

  • 摘要: 探讨了春季青藏高原感热的分布特征,对高原地区地-气温差与感热的合成分析表明,长江中下游地区旱涝年春季高原近地层热力结构分布呈显著差异;统计分析与数值模拟试验也证实了春季高原下垫面感热南北非均匀异常分布,对长江中下游地区夏季降水存在着显著影响,即春季高原下垫面感热非均匀异常分布特征可能是长江中下游地区夏季旱涝的“强信号”之一。


    Abstract: Study is undertaken of Tibetan sensible heat flux features in spring prior to the summer flood/drought in the milled and lower reaches of the Yangtze River (hereafter referred as MLRY). Analysis of the difference of atmospheric temperatures and 0 cm soil temperatures indicates that the Tibetan thermodynamic structure displays noticeable discrepancy preceding flood/drought in MLRY: there exists an air-ground temperature difference pattern of "high in South and low in North" in spring before flood and "high in North and low in South" before the drought. Sensible heat fluxes on Tibetan Plateau show that the spring flux difference (of flood and drought in MLRY) in the target regions takes on "high in South and low in North" manner. Outcome of simulations suggests that Tibetan plateau sensible heat fluxes in spring on a south-north inhomogeneous basis lead to the summer precipitation abnormity in MLRY, that is, the Tibetan sensible heat flux anomaly is one of the "strong signals" which contribute to the flood/drought in MLRY.


