A comparison of the GAME reanalysis data with the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data is discussed, where the GAME reanalysis data includes the data observed by HUBEX. On the basis of the weather processes over the Huaihe basin from June to August in 1998, the difference and reliability of the two reanalysis data from the fields of basic element, derivative, precipitation and surface flux were studied by the diagnostic and statistical methods. The results show that the GAME reanalysis data is more reliable than NCEP/NCAP reanalysis data at the bottom and mid-high levels of troposphere, and at the precipitation and surface flux fields the case is just the same. In addition, it revealed that the GAME reanalysis data can show the evolution of the southwest vortex but the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data cannot do so. Meanwhile, the main cause that the GAME reanalysis data is better than the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data tends to be the GAME reanalysis data including the sonde intensive observation of the GAME but not to the different assimilation modes of the two reanalysis data. Therefore it also indicates that the HUBEX as the Eastern Asia part of the GAME is necessary to continue, and increasing the temporal and spatial resolution of meteorological elements observed is important to improve our forecasting accuracy of the weather and climate.