Parallelization of the semi-Lagrangian shallow-water model using Message Passing Interface (MPI) techniques was introduced. A detailed description of the 2-dimension semi-Lagrangian shallow-water model was made, and the model was successfully parallelized and implemented on the IBM SP2 computer, which is a distributed memory scalable parallel system.A semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme, Ritchie scheme (nointerpolation), was introduced and adopted to deal with the advection term in the model, and the parallelization of the model was done by the method of standard Domain Partitioning Techniques (DPT). Special attention was paid to two key points: HALO and the parallel algorithm of Helmhotz Equation, in which the Odd-Even scheme was used. A number of comparative experiments were carried out to test the computation efficiency of serial and parallel model with different schemes.The experimental results show that higher parallel efficiency can be resulted in by the adoption of DPT. In the case of high resolution, the parallelization of semi-implicit semi-Lagrangian scheme is very efficient to cope with the advection term in the shallow-water model, and raises the computaion rate and the parallel efficiency.