Using combined method of distributed and shared memory parallelization, new global spectral model based on ECMWF is run on high performance computer INM/SP with great efficiency in National Meteorological Center (NMC) for the first time. The model performance is improved greatly by means of changing vector length, optimizing program design, ameliorating message passing mechanism, realizing joint application of distributed and shared memory parallelization, to decrease communication, calculation and memory consumption. Now 10-day forecasts of the model with resolution T213L31 can be finished within 3 hours so as to satisfy operational time requirement.At the same time, the parallel Optimization Interpolation (OI) analysis system matching T213L31 global spectral model is constructed, and the problem of calculation load imbalance produced by spatial heterogeneousness of global observation stations is resolved, so that T213L31 global data assimilation and forecast system is built based on the above work, and so is corresponding automatic job control and watching system.