
Preliminary Analysis on Parallel Comparison of GPSO3 and Vaisala Ozonesondes

  • 摘要: 为促进中国大气臭氧高空探测业务化进程,中国科学院大气物理研究所和中国气象局监测网络司联合组织了对国产GPS数字化大气臭氧探空仪(GPSO3)和芬兰Vaisala 公司产大气臭氧探空仪(Vaisala)主要技术性能的比对。现场平行施放比对于2002年1月在北京进行,共施放了7对臭氧探空仪。对两类大气臭氧探空仪现场平行施放比对试验结果的分析表明,两种臭氧探空仪所获得的大气中臭氧浓度随高度的变化特征之间有很好的一致性。在12~27 km高度范围内,两种探空仪臭氧测值之间的相对误差平均在10%以内,而在10 km以下和27 km以上,GPSO3探空仪的臭氧测值偏高。本文介绍了比对方法,分析了两类探空仪对臭氧廓线某些特征值的比对结果并讨论了平行施放比对时气球升速的差异可能对臭氧测值带来的影响。


    Abstract: Parallel comparison of GPSO3 (made in China) and Vaisala (made in Finland) ozonesondes was carried out at Atmospheric Observing Experimental Base, CMA, in Beijing during the period of Jan 11—23, 2002, 7 pairs of ozonesondes were launched. Comparison results show a relative good consistence in the ozone vertical variation characteristics obtained by both type of ozonesondes in general. The average relative error between ozone concentrations at 12—27 km in the atmosphere measured by the both type ozonesondes is less than 10%, while at altitudes below 12 km and above 27 km, the measured ozone concentration by GPSO3 sonde is higher than that by the Vaisala one. Comparison method is introduced, comparison results of some ozone variation futures are analyzed, a possible influence of sonde ascending speeds during soundings on the comparison results is discussed as well.


