

  • 摘要: 沙尘识别是沙尘灾害监测和沙尘气溶胶特性研究的首要工作。利用辐射传输方程进行了沙尘气溶胶的辐射计算,对不同沙尘气溶胶光学厚度下的热红外通道温差ΔTT11μm-T12μm)的变化进行了分析,并针对水汽和陆地表面温度进行了敏感性分析。发现随着沙尘气溶胶光学厚度的增加,ΔT逐渐减小。理论分析表明,利用热红外通道的温度差ΔT进行陆地沙尘识别是可行的。进一步,利用NOAA-AVHRR热红外通道的温度差ΔT < 0进行了3次陆地沙尘识别,经与地面气象站观测的沙尘天气现象相比较,结果基本一致。


    Abstract: The thermal infrared temperature difference ΔT(T11μm-T12μm) is investigated as a possible method for detecting dust outbreaks. Based on radiative properties of the winter dust aerosol defined by Almeida, this paper calculated the thermal infrared temperature difference ΔT(T11μm-T12μm) as a function of optic thickness of dust aerosol. The result of atmospheric radiation calculations indicates that the temperature difference △T over and surface will decline when optic thickness of dust aerosol increases. Similarly, atmospheric transmittance calculations of thermal infrared channel as a function of optic thickness of dust aerosol also indicate that 11μm atmospheric transmittance is bigger that 12μm atmospheric transmittance when optic thickness of dust aerosol increases. Sensitive test of △T (T11μm-T12μm) to surface temperature (ST) and water vapor (W) is also illustrated. It indicates that W remarkably affects △T. △T can be used to detect heavy dust when W is big; however, △T can be used to detect light dust when W is small. The sensitive test indicates that △T is not sensitive to the change of ST. Furthermore, the feasibility of dust detection using this technology is demonstrated by comparing satellite observations and surface observations of meteorological stations. The validation of three dust detection indicates that dust using remote sensing coincides with observed dust.


