
Atmospheric Stability Analysis of Wuhan Rainstorm in July 1998

  • 摘要: 文章从环境场的稳定性角度进行研究,取boussinesq近似的二维数学模型,从数值模式每小时输出的预报场中提取暴雨过程中的环境场,通过计算函数极小值的方法,求取层结参数及加热率,讨论实际暴雨过程中不稳定的作用。其结果表明,凝结加热对暴雨不稳定的发生发展作用明显。暴雨初期和强盛期的环境场都可以出现动力不稳定,且不稳定扰动传播方向与基本气流有一个斜交角,属于二维平面波的不稳定。“98.7”暴雨的发生发展是热力和动力共同作用的结果。


    Abstract: In terms of the stability of the background field, a 2D Boussinesq approximation model is adopted, and from the prognostic field exported by the model on an hourly basis a background field during the rainstorm is taken, followed by the method for minimum of the function to get a stratification parameter and heating rate, with which to discuss the role of unstable disturbance during the rainfall. Evidence suggests that heat released from condensation exerts distinct effects on the generation and development of rainstorm instability. At the early and prime stages the environmental exhibits dynamically instable disturbance that propagates at a small angle with flow, i. e., instability of 2D plane wave. The torrential rain occurs under the joint action of the thermal and dynamic factors.


