
Responses of Grassland Ecosystem to CO2 Enrichment and Climate Change

  • 摘要: 近年来,全球变化和区域响应已成为生态学、植物学、地学和农学的研究热点之一。全球变化引起全球温度升高、降水格局发生变化和土地利用方式改变,研究草原生态系统对全球变化的响应与适应是了解发展和预测陆地生态系统与全球变化相互关系的重要方面。文章对近十年来国内外在CO2浓度升高、温度增加、水分变化等方面对草原生态系统影响的研究进行了评述, 以期加深草原生态系统对全球变化响应的理解,启发研究思路, 激发兴趣。最后提出了应着重加强研究的8个科学问题。


    Abstract: Global change and regional response are focused on by ecologists, botanist, geographers and agronomist. Rising temperature, precipitation distribution and land use pattern changes are caused by global change. The study on response and adaptation of grassland to CO2 enrichment and climate change is the key aspect that relationship between terrestrial ecosystem and global change is understood and predicted. This paper reviewed the effects of rising temperature, CO2 enrichment and water status change on grassland ecosystem recent several years, and put forward on 8 key scientific issues. It is believed that this paper will be useful to deeply understand the response of grassland ecosystem to global change and to discovery the methods that weaken the negative effects of global change, inspire mind, simulate interest, and provide the study basis.


