
An Observational Study on Land-air Interaction over Grass in Guangzhou Panyu Area

  • 摘要: 介绍了2004年在广州番禺进行的陆气相互作用观测试验。观测研究表明:新型的超声风温仪虽然带有雨滴防护沙网, 但雨滴对超声观测的误差影响显著, 尤其是对u, w方向。雨天情况下z/L相关系数很低, 湍流强度与稳定度不存在1/3次方关系。涡动相关法和能量平衡法计算的感热通量及潜热通量比较接近, 感热、潜热通量相关系数分别达到0.8699和0.8633, 两种方法带来的误差主要发生在近地层稳定度发生明显变化的时刻, 即在午间热通量的峰值或傍晚或晚间热通量的低值, 其中能量平衡法计算的感热、潜热普遍具有较大的正负峰值。涡动相关法计算的Qh+Qe普遍偏小, 与可用能量Rn-Qg多数情况下存在能量不平衡, 说明了忽略热存储项的地表能量平衡方程的局限性。番禺夏、秋季近地层各能量具有与太阳辐射相似的日变化特征, 但夏季的潜热大于感热, 而秋季则相反。近地面二氧化碳从5—8月是一个减低过程, 尔后上升到12月份浓度最高, 总体浓度值在350×10-6~400×10-6之间变化。


    Abstract: An introduction is given to the observation of the land-air interaction over grass in Guangzhou Panyu area in 2004. The observational study shows that although the new type three dimensional sonic anemometer has a rain guard net, the error resulted from the effect of raindrop on observation is obvious especially for the u and w direction. The correlation coefficient between and z/L is low under the rain weather condition, the turbulence intensity and stability has no 1/3 order relationship. The sensible heat flux and latent heat flux calculated by using eddy correlation method are close to those by Bowen ratio energy balance method, the correlation coefficients of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux calculated by the two methods reach 0.8699 and 0.8633 respectively, the errors mainly happen at the period when the surface stability obviously change, namely at noon with maximum of heat flux and at evening or night with minimum of heat flux respectively. The sensible heat flux and latent heat flux calculated by Bowen ratio energy balance method have the relative large positive and negative peaks. The sum of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux (Qh+Qe) calculated by eddy correlation method is generally on the side of small, which is not balanced by the available energy (Rn-Qg) under most circumstances, showing there are some limitations in the surface energy balance equation by neglecting the term of heat storage. The sensible heat flux and latent heat flux have the similar diurnal characters as the solar radiation, the sensible heat flux is larger than latent heat flux in Summer, but the reverse in autumn. CO2 experiences a diminishing process from May to August, then follow a rising process to a maximum concentration in December, mostly CO2 concentrations stand at the level of 350×10-6~400×10-6.


