
Characterization of NO2 Pollution Changes in Beijing Using GOME Satellite Data

  • 摘要: 利用GOME (Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment, 全球臭氧监测实验) 1996年1月—2002年12月NO2对流层柱浓度月平均卫星遥感资料以及根据北京市2001年1月1日—2002年12月31日NO2污染指数数据计算出的地面NO2日均质量浓度值, 分析了北京市城市大气NO2污染变化的季节变化特征以及年际变化, 并将2001年1月—2002年12月北京上空GOME NO2对流层柱浓度月平均值变化与北京市地面NO2日均质量浓度月平均值变化进行了比较, 结果表明两者随时间的变化趋势具有较好的一致性, 据此可以利用GOME NO2对流层柱浓度月平均卫星遥感资料来分析特定区域大气NO2的季节变化和年际变化。


    Abstract: Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) is known to cause respiratory problems for humans in the urban atmosphere and plays a key role in the control of the strong oxidant such asozone of the atmosphere. Measurements of the global distribution of tropospheric NO2 column densities have become available with the Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) instrument which is launched in April 1995 on board the ERS-2 satellite. The seasonal variation and trend of NO2 over Beijing is analyzed using monthly averaged tropospheric NO2 column data from GOME measurements from January 1996 to December 2002. The monthly averaged GOME NO2 column present distinct variation characteristics with high values in January, February, November and December, and with low values in June, July and August. The results of analysis of GOME data reveal that NO2 pollution in Beijing had been aggravated from 1996 to 2002 in general, with serious pollution happening in the years of 2002. The highest monthly averaged NO2 column is found to occur in December 2002 with a value of 3.7×1016 molecules· cm-2, increasing by 45 percent and 125 percent with comparison to the highest GOME monthly averaged NO2 column before December 2002 (that is 2.5×1016 molecules·cm-2 in December 1999) and the monthly averaged NO2 column in November 2002 (that is 1.6×1016 molecules·cm-2), respectively. Furthermore, the seasonal variation of GOME tropospheric NO2 column over Beijing is compared with that of monthly averaged surface mass concentration of NO2, which are calculated according to the daily pollution index of NO2 for Beijing for a period from 1 January 2001 to 31 December 2002. Both GOME tropospheric NO2 column density and surface NO2 mass concentration present the same distinct seasonal variation characteristics, with high values in winter and low values in summer. It shows that for the comparison period the variations of monthly averaged tropospheric NO2 columns over Beijing are well consistent with the variations of the monthly averaged surface NO2 mass concentrations in Beijing. The correlative coefficient is as high as 0.86. It can be concluded that GOME tropospheric NO2 column data can be used to analyze the seasonal variation and trend of NO2 pollution over a specific region.


