
Progress on Cryospheric Studies by International and Chinese Communities and Perspectives

  • 摘要: 介绍了世界气候研究计划 (WCRP) /气候与冰冻圈 (CliC) 计划所代表的国际冰冻圈研究基本特点与未来趋势;分析了我国冰冻圈独特的区域特点, 阐明我国冰冻圈是维系干旱区绿洲经济发展和确保寒区生态系统稳定的重要水源保障, 其气候效应、环境效应、资源效应和生态效应正日趋显著并广泛地影响到西部生态与环境安全和水资源持续利用, 因而不仅具有科学上的重要性, 而且具有国家战略需求上的紧迫性。 提出未来我国冰冻圈研究应重点加强冰冻圈过程研究、记录研究、冰冻圈与气候模拟、冰冻圈与水资源以及冰冻圈变化的影响、适应与对策综合评估等5个方面的工作, 逐步完善并形成我国冰冻圈科学体系。


    Abstract: The recent program of WCRP/CliC, which represents the current tendency of the international studies on cryopshere, is introduced. Cryopshere is an important water resource in China for maintaining the socioeconomic development in the arid and oasis regions, it also plays an important role in stabilizing the ecological system over the cold regions of western China such as Qinghai-Xizang Plateau. With the global warming, the effects of the climate, environment, ecology and water resource by cryospheric decay are becoming more negative and stronger. These effects threat the security of the sustainable development in western China. It suggests that future cryospheric studies in China should focus on the following 5 projects: Processes monitoring, paleo-climate and paleo-environment records, cryospheric and climatic modeling, relations of cryospheric change and water resources, and impacts assessment and adaptation strategy under various scenarios of cryospheric changes.


