
Progress in Research on the East Asian Monsoon

  • 摘要: 中国气象科学研究院曾长期组织和从事东亚季风及其对中国天气和旱涝影响的研究。该文对中国气象科学研究院在东亚季风研究方面取得成果进行综述, 并回顾了20世纪50年代以来国内有关季风的研究活动, 也回顾了影响我国天气气候、东亚季风环流系统的提出及其后续的有关东亚和印度季风系统的相互作用, 引发中国大陆暴雨生成的水汽输送, 表达中国大陆季风活动的季风指数设计等研究结果。综述了南海夏季风爆发、梅雨开始、中国雨季开始及传播等有关研究成果; 东亚季风系统中副热带地区低频振荡纬向和经向传播特征及与赤道地区不同之处, 东亚低频振荡对El Niño形成及夏季东亚热带和副热带季风爆发的可能影响, 东亚热带和副热带季风低频振荡对中国天气气候的影响等有关成果; 亚洲地区大气热源的计算及其分布, 青藏高原夏季热源对东亚夏季风及降水的可能影响, 青藏高原冬季冷源对El Niño生成的可能影响等有关成果; 东亚季风及降水的年际变化特征, 准4年年际振荡的分析及与ENSO形成间的相互作用, 极地对东亚夏季降水的影响及东亚季风年代际变化特征等成果。综述东亚季风系统形成的可能机制, 特别是亚洲大陆—西太平洋海陆热力差异及非洲、印度半岛、中南半岛及澳大利亚陆地与周围海洋对冬夏季风形成、印度和东亚季风系统形成、南海夏季风形成作用的结果。


    Abstract: Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS) has organized the investigation on the East Asian Monsoon with its influences on the weather and drought/flood in China for a long term since the foundation of new China. A summary of the achievements of the past researches by CAMS is briefly depicted. A basic review of the East Asian Monsoon researches in China after 1950s; the study on the East Asian Monsoon circulation system (EAMCS): the history of proposals to EAMCS affecting the weather and climate in China, the interactions between East Asian and Indian Monsoon system, the water vapour transportation resulting in the torrential rain in China, and the design of the monsoon index representing the East Asian Monsonn activity are set forth. The seasonal variation of EAMCS is summarized on the onset of the South China Sea Summer Monsoon, Meiyu and the rainy season in China and its propagation. The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) of EAMCS and its impacts on the summer precipitation in China are presented by the study on the characteristics of zonal and meridional propagation of the subtropical MJO of EAMCS, the differences between it and that on the Equatorial area, and its possible effects on the formation of El Niño, the onset of East Asian tropical and subtropical monsoon and the weather and climate in China. The calculation and distribution of atmosphere apparent heat source in Asia, and its possible influence on the East Asian Summer Monsoon and the rainfall, and the possible influence of the winter cold source over the Tibetan Plateau on the formation of El Niño are given. The inter-annual and interdecadal variation of the EAMCS are reviewed on the characteristics of the inter-annual variation of the EAMCS and the rainfall, the analysis of the quasi-4-year oscillation, the interaction between it and the formation of El Niño, the impact of the polar region on the summer rainfall in East Asia, and the inter-decadal variation of the EAMCS. The possible mechanism of the formation of the EAMCS is proposed, especially the essential role in the formation of summer and winter monsoon, the EAMCS and the Indian Monsson system of the land-sea thermal difference between the Asian continent and the West Pacific, the African continent, the Indian and IndoChina peninsula, Australian continent, and the ocean and sea around them.


