
A Study on Polar Atmospheric Sciences and Global Change

  • 摘要: 南极和北极是地球上的气候敏感地区, 也是多个国际科学计划研究全球气候变化的关键地区。极地大气科学考察与研究是极地科学研究的重要组成部分。中国气象科学研究院的极地大气科学考察与研究始于20世纪80年代, 25年来有较大进展。中国气象科学研究院参加了我国组织的23次南极考察、2次北冰洋考察和3次北极考察; 承担了南极长城站和中山站、北极黄河站气象业务建设和维持, 以及中-澳合作南极冰盖3个无人自动气象站工作; 进行了常规地面气象、Brewer大气臭氧、近地面物理、冰雪和大气化学等观测, 获得了较为系统的极地大气环境资料。开展了有关极地大气科学与全球变化的研究, 在极地天气气候特征及气候变化时空多样性、极地海冰变化和南极海冰涛动、极地近地面物理特征和海-冰-气相互作用、中山站臭氧变化特征及南极臭氧洞和大气化学、气候代用资料获取和古气候环境以及极地大气环境变化对东亚环流和中国天气气候影响等方面的研究取得了新进展。中国极地大气科学正积极通过多学科交叉、走国际合作道路, 努力提高对极地在全球变化中作用的认识水平, 并积极探索极地变化对我国气候、环境的影响。


    Abstract: The Antarctic and the Arctic are not only the sensitive areas to global climate changes, but also key areas focused by many international scientific projects. The polar atmospheric scientific expedition and investigation are important branches of the polar scientific research. The project, launched by Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences (CAMS), starting in the 1980s, has made great progress during the past 25 years. CAMS joins totally 23 times Antarctic, as well as 2 times Arctic Ocean, and 3 times Arctic station expeditions. All of these expeditions are organized by China government. CAMS has provided supports for meteorological observations in China Antarctic Great Wall Station, China Antarctic Zhongshan station, and China Arctic Huanghe Station, as well as building for three automatic weather stations on the Antarctic ice sheet belonging to a China-Australia cooperation project. A series of measurements and observations, including meteorological elements, atmospheric ozone, surface layer physics, snow and ice, atmospheric chemistry observations etc, have been accomplished by CAMS, obtaining a batch of fairly systematic original data on polar atmosphere and environment. CAMS investigates the polar atmospheric science and global changes, and makes great progress in the following fields: "the polar weather and climate characters and the spatial-temporal variety of climate change", "the polar sea-ice variation and Antarctic oscillation", "the polar surface layer characters and sea-ice-air interactions", "ozone variability of China Antarctic Zhongshan station, Antarctic ozone hole and atmospheric chemistry", "data retrieval of climate proxies and paleo-climate and environment", and "the effects of the polar atmospheric environment variation on East Asian circulation, China weather and climate". In the Antarctic and the Arctic, CAMS is strengthening the cooperation with international institutions, continuing to monitor the meteorological elements, improving the service standard of the polar meteorology, expanding the studying fields of the polar meteorological services and atmospheric scientific research, promoting data retrieval of climatic proxies, quantifying and understanding the role of polar regions in global changes and its influences on China weather and climate, and the domestic economic sustainability. To set up and complete the polar atmospheric scientific research system, and improve the study level is essential for the polar atmospheric scientific research and global changes in CAMS.


