
Recent Progress on GRAPES Research and Application

  • 摘要: 中国气象科学研究院 (灾害天气国家重点实验室) 自2000年起, 先后在科技部“973”重大基础项目“我国重大天气灾害形成机理和预测理论研究”和“十五”重点攻关项目“中国气象数值预报系统技术创新研究”支持下, 主持承担了中国气象局新一代全球/区域多尺度通用同化与数值预报系统GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System) 的研究开发, 围绕着资料同化、模式动力框架、物理过程、大型软件工程等核心技术开展了自主创新研究, 取得了非静力中尺度模式、三维变分资料同化、标准化、模块化、并行化模式程序软件等方面的突出成果, 部分成果已在业务上得到了应用, 显示了良好的技术性能和业务发展潜力。GRAPES系统是完全依靠中国科学家的力量自主研究发展的、先进的新一代数值预报系统。该文简要介绍GRAPES的研究内容、主要研究进展和初步应用, 以及未来发展的初步计划。


    Abstract: Since 2000, in the support of two national key projects of "Chinese Heavy Rain Research Experiment" and "Research on Meteorological Numerical Prediction System Techniques", LaSW/CAMS has been in charge of developing new generation NWP system GRAPES (Global/Regional Assimilation and PrEdiction System). GRAPES' project is mainly focused on data assimilation, dynamical core, physical parameterization schemes, and infrastructure software. The main achievements include 3 dimensional variational data assimilation; standardized, modularized and parallelized coding infrastructure; full-compressible and non-hydrostatic meso-scale NWP system and its various applications. The operational results are highly encouraging and promoting for further developments. Also, a brief introduction to GRAPES research project, main progresses and some applications with future plan of GRAPES development is given.


