
Review of Atmospheric Chemistry and Environment Research Work in Recent 30 Years———In Commemoration of the 50 Anniversaries of CAMS Establishment

  • 摘要: 概述了中国气象科学研究院 (简称气科院) 近30年来有关大气化学和大气环境研究成果。该院完成了国家自然科学基金重大项目和科技部973项目等一系列重要研究项目, 做出了许多具有重大创新性的成果:在青藏高原发现“臭氧低谷”, 这一重大发现列为当年中国10大科技成果之一; 首次把环境、生态、气候几个重要领域进行综合研究, 发现人类活动对环境造成的变化改变了生态环境状态, 最终对区域气候造成影响; 对北京市大气污染机理和调控原理进行了深入研究, 在三维立体观测基础上, 提出了点-面结合与统计-动力综合分析, 地面观测-卫星遥感分析方法及模式新技术等, 获取了解决大气环境领域关键技术难点的创新成果; 建立了全球第一个大陆大气本底基准观象台即瓦里关本底台, 开创了我国全球大气本底业务观测等。几十年来气科院大气化学研究工作几乎涵盖了当前大气化学所有重要领域及其前沿学科, 其中包括温室气体、臭氧和反应性气体、气溶胶、酸雨、模式的发展及应用、空气质量预报技术和环境评价等。气科院大气化学研究工作是和中国气象局大气成分监测站网建设密不可分的, 广大科研人员参加了诸如大气本底站网、酸雨站网、臭氧站网、沙尘暴站网等业务站网的建设, 与此同时也构建了大气化学科研平台。


    Abstract: Research work associated with the atmospheric chemistry and environment undertaken in the CAMS in recent 30 years is reviewed. The work is mainly supported by the key projects from the National Natural Science Foundation and by the "973" project from the Ministry of Science and Technology of China. The main significantly creative achievements are as follows: The first discovery of the summer total ozone valley occurring over the Tibetan Plateau; with the consideration of the environment, ecosystem, climate as an integrated system, impacts from anthropogenic activities on the environment through changing the status of the ecosystem, and its influencing on the regional climate is better identified in China; understanding of the mechanisms of the atmospheric pollution in Beijing city and the methods of modulation of the pollution are much improved. The achievements of solving the critical difficulties of the atmospheric environmental problems in Beijing are creatively approached based on the 3-dimension observations, with the integrated analysis of statistics and dynamics, the surface and satellite observations, and the model simulations; the first continent Global Atmospheric Watch (GAW) baseline observatory is established at Mt Waliguan, Qinghai Province, initialing the GAW routine observations in China. In conclusion, the work of 30 years in CAMS contains almost all the important topics of the atmospheric chemistry and their frontier researching contexts. These topics are listed as greenhouse gases, total ozone, reactive gases, aerosols, acid rains, the development and applications of atmospheric chemistry model simulations, the forecast methods of air quality and the assessment of atmospheric environment etc. The advances of atmospheric chemistry in CAMS are much related to the constructions of monitoring network operated by the CMA. The establishments of monitoring networks of GAW, acid rain, total ozone, dust storm have provided CAMS with a common platform for atmospheric chemistry researches.


