
Review and Progress of Lightning Research

  • 摘要: 该文从雷电定位技术的研发、北京地区闪电特征和时空分布、闪电活动与强对流天气过程、雷电预警预报研究、雷电物理过程研究和雷暴起电放电数值模式研究6个方面综述了雷电研究的一些结果和近期的研究进展。通过对雷电多方面的研究, 对雷电放电特征有了较系统地了解, 特别是对北京地区的雷电时空分布特征有了较清晰地认识; 在雷电预警预报技术和方法、雷电物理过程等方面也取得了一些重要进展。但由于雷电发生的时空随机性和瞬时性, 对闪电放电物理过程的观测试验和理论研究十分困难, 目前对我国闪电活动规律的认识也仍然不够全面。因此需要对雷暴内动力、微物理和起电放电过程及它们之间的相关性开展深入和长期的基础研究, 加深对雷电发生发展特征的认识和理解, 这将为雷电预警预报以及雷电监测资料在强对流天气过程的监测预警中发挥更重要的作用提供理论基础; 而在雷电激发和传输研究的基础上, 开展地闪连接过程和不同频段雷电电磁辐射对电子设备的破坏效应等雷电成灾机理研究, 将为雷电防护技术的提高提供科技支撑。


    Abstract: The recent lightning research progresses are summarized in the following areas as the lightning locating technology, spatial-temporal characteristics of lightning activity in Beijing area, relationships between lightning activity and strong convective weather, lightning forecasting and warning method, lightning physical processes, numerical simulation of thundercloud electrification and lightning discharges. Through the researches in these aspects, the lightning discharge characteristics are acquired systemically, especially in the spatial-temporal characteristics in Beijing area. Furthermore, important advances in lightning forecasting and warning method and lightning physics process are also obtained. However, the observation experiment and theoretical research of lightning discharge processes still need to be improved because of the randomicity and transience of lightning occurrence. In order to comprehend the lightning physics thoroughly, long-term basic researches on the dynamics, the microphysics and the electrification activity in the thunderstorm and their relationship are also needed. The theoretical foundation for lightning forecasting and warning will be provided by these researches, and the application of lightning locating information will be improved for the detection and warning of strong convective weather. On the basis of the further study of lightning initiation and propagation, the research of lightning damage mechanism will be carried out, e.g., the attachment process of CG lightning, the damage to electronic instruments caused by different electromagnetic radiation frequency range etc, by which the technical support for lightning protection can be provided.


