
The Current Application of Meteorological Code Forms and Impacts of Migration on Table Driven Code Forms

  • 摘要: 对气象代码的组成、字符代码的特点及局限性、表格驱动代码的特点及优势进行了介绍, 对我国气象代码的应用现状进行了分析, 并介绍了世界气象组织由字符代码向表格驱动代码过渡计划的主要内容。向表格驱动代码过渡对我国各级气象部门现有观测系统、通信传输、数据处理及存储、数据使用等多个业务环节产生的影响进行了初步分析和探讨, 并对我国表格驱动代码过渡应开展的工作提出了初步设想。


    Abstract: Meteorological code is composed of TAC (the Traditional Alphanumeric Code form) and TDCFs (the Table Driven Code Forms). In view of the limitation of TAC and the advantage of TDCFs on data representation, the transition from TAC to TDCFs within the next decade is planned by World Meteorological Organization (WMO).The current applications of meteorological code forms in China are given:TAC is still used mainly in the generation, transmission, processing, storage and application of meteorological observation data, while TDCFs are still not widely used.The main points of the transition plan from TAC to TDCFs of WMO are also summarized. The impacts of the transition to TDCFs, which are mainly to the operational systems such as the current observation system, telecommunication system, data processing and storage system of meteorological services of different levels in China, are analyzed. For the observation system, new coding system has to be deployed to encode the TDCFs observation data. For international and national telecommunication system, the ability of the transmission of TDCFs and the ability to convert between TDCFs and TAC have to be built, the capability of dual transmission of TAC and TDCFs data has to be supported. For data processing and storage system, the functions of the decoding and storage of TDCFs data have to be provided.The primary proposals of the implementation of the transition to TDCFs in China are suggested. The national transition plan should be constituted as quickly as possible; the development of transition core software systems should be arranged; the experimental projects of transition should be conducted nationally and internationally; the national training should be organized.


