
Spatial and Temporal Structures of Relationship Between Seasonal Mean Temperature and Rainfall in China

  • 摘要: 将1955—1998年我国160站冬、夏季平均气温和总降水量序列分解为年代际和年际变化两个部分,用方差分析、相关分析和奇异值分解方法,分析了两种要素序列的方差构成及要素间局地相关关系的性质、季节变化和地理分布。结果表明:我国冬夏季气温、降水异常序列中,总方差年际变化大于年代际变化,但按自由度均分的方差,年代际变化较年际变化大,尤以气温为甚;单站气温、降水同时相关图上,夏季表现为显著的负相关,显著区主要分布在35°N以南、105°E以东的地区;夏季局地温度、降水也呈显著负相关关系,进一步分析表明,干热、湿凉型异常夏季多发生在江淮和华南两区,但同一年中两区夏季异常型常相反,它由年代际和年际变化中的负相关共同构成。


    Abstract: The interdecadal and interannual variation components of seasonal mean temperature and rainfall are extracted by applying spectrum analysis on monthly mean temperature and rainfall data of 160 stations during 1955—1998 in China. Evidence shows that the variances of interannual components are much larger than those of interdecadal parts, but it is the opposite while the variances are divided by their freedom degrees respectively, especially for temperature. In winter, most of the significant interdecadal variation areas lie in the northern half of China including Northeast China, North China and northeast part of Xinjiang. While in summer, the significant interdecadal variation areas locate in South China, Central China and Northwest China. As for the interannual variation of seasonal temperature, there are no significant areas both in winter and summer. In contrast with the seasonal temperature, the significant interdecadal and interannual areas of rainfall are fairly small and disconnected, among which two small patches of significant interannual variation in Shandong and Southeast China in winter are noticeable.It is implied in correlation analysis that the negative correlation between seasonal mean temperature and rainfall is remarkable in summer particularly over east of 105°E and south of 35°N of the main land, and it can be inferred that both anomalous hot dry and cool wet summer have more likelihood in most part of this region. For the purpose of verifying this point, observational station data are analyzed. The results present that 30 out of 44 years are either hot dry or cool wet summer in Yangtze Huaihe River Valley and South China, 21 out of 44 years in North China.Singular vector decomposing (SVD) are conducted to reveal the spatial and temporal features of the relationship between the two elements. It is indicated by the SVD modes that the two summer patterns are statistically significant in Yangtze Huaihe River Valley and South China. For years, both interdecadal and interannual time coefficients are negative, the rate of hot dry summer in Yangtze Huaihe River Valley is 6/8, and the rate of cool wet summer in South China is 5/8, while the reverse is true when time coefficients are positive, 6/7 cool wet summer in Yangtze Huaihe River Valley, and 4/7 hot dry summer in South China. The summer patterns occur out of phase in the two regions during the same year which is contributed by the negative correlation of summer mean temperature and rainfall on both interdecadal and interannual time scales.


