
Microclimate Inside Sunlight Greenhouse in Semi arid Rain Feed Region in Loess Plateau

  • 摘要: 利用小气候观测系统对黄土高原半干旱雨养农业区日光温室各部位温湿度进行系统全面的监测分析,结果表明:秋栽黄瓜整个生育期,室内气温和地温呈现波动式降低,而相对湿度在采收初期以前呈波动式增加,但在普遍采收期以后波动下降,这3个因子都随高度而变。不同生育期室内气象要素的日变化趋势和波动基本相似,但变幅不同,一天中峰值出现的迟早略有差异。在垂直方向,温室内不同高度的气温和相对湿度明显不同且日变化较剧烈,在低层形成低温高湿的小环境,而高层形成高温低湿的小环境,但整个温室总体上始终处于高湿环境。不同层次土壤温度明显不同,10 cm地温在一天中变化最敏感,变幅最大;30 cm地温变幅较小,且最高温出现的时间比10 cm土层滞后2 h;50 cm地温在一天中几乎没有什么变化,与上层土壤比较,始终处于低温水平。在水平方向,气温和地温都表现为南高北低,湿度相反,但这种南北差异很小,可近似认为水平方向温湿度和地温分布比较均匀。


    Abstract: Monitoring and analysis on microclimate inside sunlight greenhouse are carried out in semi arid rain feed region which lies in Loess Plateau. The results show that during the whole growing period of autumn planting cucumber, the daily mean air temperature maintains between 12—23.5 ℃ with falling fluctuately, which is very in accordance with the cucumber growth demand of high temperature in the prophase and low temperature in the anaphase. The ground temperature also falls wavily in general. Relative humidity, which keeps between 52.4%—93.4%, increases before the initial gathering period, but declines wavily after widespread gathering period. These three factors all change along with the variation of height and horizontal position in the greenhouse. In different growing period of autumn planting cucumber, the trend and fluctuation of daily variation of climate factors are basically similar, but variation degree is different and the time that peak value appears in a day is different too. In the upright direction inside the greenhouse, the air temperature and relative humidity (RH) are distinct at different height (0.5 m, 1.0 m and 1.5 m above the ground respectively). The air temperature increases gradually from 0.5 m to 1.5 m. In other words, air temperature inversion phenomenon occurs. However, RH is the opposite, which is smaller in the upper level than that in the lower level. In this way, there is a microenvironment of low temperature and high humidity at 0.5 m in comparison with 1.5 m, where there is a microenvironment of high temperature and low humidity. The daily variation of air temperature and RH is sharp relatively. In addition, ground temperature and its daily variation are obviously different in different depths (10 cm, 30 cm and 50 cm under the ground respectively). The variation of ground temperature at 10 cm level is most sensitive and its variation degree is the biggest among 10 cm, 30 cm and 50 cm. It has less variation degree on the ground temperature at 30 cm under the ground. In comparison with 10 cm and 30 cm, it has little variation in a day of the ground temperature at 50 cm level, where it is in a state of low temperature all the time. There is a clear lag effect in ground temperature when comparing with air temperature. The appearing time of maximum temperature of 10 cm depth soil is delayed about 5 hours than air temperature, and the delaying degree is more than that of the air temperature outside the greenhouse and the observation data in the weather station. A longer delaying time occurs at the 30 cm depth ground temperature, which reaches more than 7 hours.In horizontal direction inside the greenhouse, the air temperature and ground temperature in the south are higher than that in the north. RH is the reverse, that is to say, RH is lower in the south than that in the north. But these differences are very small, it is regarded approximately that the distribution of temperature and RH in horizontal direction is relatively evenly distributed. It is fit to the planting of vegetation.


