
Seasonal Physical and Chemical Features Variation of Ambient Aerosol in Lin'an

  • 摘要: 分别利用碳成分分析仪、离子色谱仪和原子吸收光谱仪等获取浙江省临安地区大气气溶胶在春、夏、秋、冬四季的质量浓度、离子与碳成分特性,并对不同粒径气溶胶成分分布特点作了较详细分析。结果表明:气溶胶质量浓度、可溶性离子浓度以及碳成分浓度具有明显的季节变化趋势。整个尺度范围内,气溶胶质量浓度季节变化特点为春季浓度最高,达到534 μg/m3;冬季次之,质量浓度为117.21 μg/m3;夏季浓度最低,平均为65.7 μg/m3;秋季质量浓度98.6 μg/m3。可溶性离子成分在气溶胶中所占比例具有明显的季节性,其中夏季最高为49.4%,春季最低为11.3%。硫酸根离子SO42-和氨根离子NH4+和硝酸根离子NO3- 3种离子浓度之和约占离子总量的75%~83%。受温度影响,硝酸根离子NO3-浓度随季节变化幅度较大,夏季平均浓度为1.7 μg/m3, 冬季平均浓度为11.5 μg/m3,是夏季浓度的6.8倍。碳浓度分布特点显示,气溶胶中元素碳浓度春季最高,夏季最低。有机碳浓度春季最高,冬季最低。气溶胶粒度分布特点也非常明显。四季中粒径小于11 μm(PM11)的气溶胶均占气溶胶总量的90%以上,粒径小于2.1 μm(PM2.1)的气溶胶占到气溶胶总量的53%以上。可溶性离子在粒径小于2.1 μm气溶胶颗粒中,以硫酸根离子、氨根离子和硝酸根离子为主。碳成分尺度分布特征为颗粒越小,有机碳及元素碳浓度越高。


    Abstract: The seasonally chemical and microphysical characteristics of aerosols in Lin'an regional atmospheric pollution monitoring station is investigated. The aerosol is collected on both Teflon filters and Quartz filters at the same time which are analyzed by different methods for different purpose. The Teflon filters are prepared for analyzing the water soluble ion concentration, while the quartz filters are used for analyzing the organic carbon and element carbon. Seven sampling periods represent different seasons. The details of sampling information are listed below: from March 30, 2002 to April 8, 2002 for spring; from August 14 to 24, in 2002, from July 20 to 30, in 2003, and from August 17 to 29, in 2004 for summer; from November 7 to 23, in 2003, from November 6 to 20, in 2004 for fall, and from January 15 to February 2, 2005 for winter. The ion chromatogram analyzer is used to discuss water soluble ion concentration of aerosol. A sunset carbon analyzer is applied to measure the organic carbon and element carbon in aerosol. Not only the seasonal mass, ion and carbon concentration of ambient aerosol are studied in Lin'an, but also the size distribution characteristic of aerosol components is analyzed in detail. Generally speaking, there are obvious variations among different seasons of mass, ion and carbon concentration. For the whole size range, the mass concentration in spring is the highest with 534 μg/m3, and it is 117.21 μg/m3 in winter which is just lower than that in spring. The lowest concentration occurs in summer with 65.7 μg/m3, and 98.6 μg/m3 in fall. The ions occupy different percentage of mass in different season. In summer, the ions' concentration is 49.4% of mass concentration, and it is 11.3% in spring. At the same time, the total concentration of sulfate, ammonium and nitrate is 75%—83% of the whole ions' concentration. On the other hand, nitrate concentration varies with season greatly. The average concentration of it is only 1.7 μg/m3 in summer. The characteristic of carbon shows that the highest element carbon concentration appears in spring and the lowest appears in summer. For organic carbon, spring's concentration is the highest and winter's concentration is the lowest. Moreover, the characteristic of size distribution is also obvious. The PM11 reaches 90% of the whole mass concentration. PM2.1 also occupies 53% of the whole mass. Sulfate, ammonium and nitrate are the main ions in fine particles. The characteristic of carbon size distribution shows that the smaller the particles are, the higher the concentration reaches.


