
Estimation of Wheat Development Periods on a Grid Scale upon Potential Temperature

  • 摘要: 在小麦晚霜冻害定量评估和遥感定量监测中, 需要不同空间尺度的冬小麦发育期网格资料。 该文以河南省为研究区域, 根据大气的物理特性, 提出一种机理性强、考虑地形、基于位温的气象资料的小网格推算方法, 并在小麦发育期小网格推算中具体应用。 首先根据河南省不同气候类型, 对其进行生态分区; 利用二十多年小麦发育期观测资料, 分别建立不同分区内小麦返青-拔节期积温数理方程; 在内插资料时为了考虑海拔高度的影响, 在ARCGIS软件支持下, 利用位温方程和状态方程, 通过推算出小网格上的位温、 计算不同海拔高度的气压等气象要素, 进而推算小网格上的气温资料, 最后依据小麦发育期积温模型, 推算与遥感监测资料相匹配 (分辨率为1.1 km×1.1 km) 的小麦拔节期网格资料。 结果表明: 利用此种方法推算的小麦发育期平均绝对误差在 2 d 左右, 在小麦晚霜冻害监测允许的误差范围内; 通过推算位温、气压等方法间接推算气温再推算小麦的发育期, 较不考虑海拔高度直接内插气温及其他进行高度订正的方法误差有所减小。


    Abstract: Wheat development period (WDP) data of different scales on grids are necessary in monitoring by remote sensing and quantitative assessment during late freezing. Taking Henan Province as an example, the calculation of WDP on grids is proposed upon potential temperature by GIS considering the elevation of different grids, which is a strong mechanism. At first, it is divided into five different ecological regions according to different climatic types, which is Ⅰ area (the north of Henan) , Ⅱ area (the west of Henan) , Ⅲ area (the middle of Henan) , Ⅳ area (the plain in eastern Henan) and Ⅴarea (the south of Henan) , respectively. The equation of accumulated temperature (E-AT) between turning green and jointing is constructed based on more than two decades WDP records. To consider the effect of elevation upon interpolation, equations of potential temperature and stateas well as ARCGIS software are used to calculate grid potential temperature; to reckon air pressure etc. on grids; to deduce grid temperature data based on the above results; to perform winter wheat elongation stage on grids which are matched with remote sensing data according to E-AT at last. The results show that the method to calculate WDP indirectly has much new idea and strong mechanism; the way to perform data of wheat turning green in grids by means of meteorological index is more theoretical and accurate than that of setting the same date of WDP in the same climatic region during the calculation of WDP; the error resulting from this method is two days or so, and is within the permitted error which is about 5 days during monitoring wheat late freezing; the error by the indirect way to calculate WDP after obtaining potential temperature and air pressure is lowercompared with results from directly interpolating temperature and other ways considering terrain height. And the result can be used during monitoring late frost by remote sensing.


