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施小英 施晓晖

施小英, 施晓晖. 夏季青藏高原东南部水汽收支气候特征及其影响. 应用气象学报, 2008, 19(1): 41-46..
引用本文: 施小英, 施晓晖. 夏季青藏高原东南部水汽收支气候特征及其影响. 应用气象学报, 2008, 19(1): 41-46.
Shi Xiaoying, Shi Xiaohui. Climatological characteristics of summertime moisture budget over the southeast part of Tibetan Plateau with their impacts. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(1): 41-46.
Citation: Shi Xiaoying, Shi Xiaohui. Climatological characteristics of summertime moisture budget over the southeast part of Tibetan Plateau with their impacts. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2008, 19(1): 41-46.



国家自然科学基金项目 90502003

科技部社会公益项目 2005DIB3J057

国家自然科学基金项目 40675059

Climatological Characteristics of Summertime Moisture Budget over the Southeast Part of Tibetan Plateau with Their Impacts

  • 摘要: 采用1961—2005年NCEP/NCAR再分析资料, 研究了夏季青藏高原东南部水汽收支的气候特征及其影响效应。结果表明:夏季青藏高原东南部总体上是一个水汽汇区, 平均总收入为39.9×106 kg/s。东亚夏季风的建立、推进对青藏高原东南部的水汽输入有重要影响, 而青藏高原东南部的水汽输出则与夏季我国东部雨带的推进过程密切相关。该区对周边地区的水汽收支有重要影响, 是向我国西北地区东部、长江中下游地区输送水汽的重要通道, 青藏高原东南部的水汽“转运站”效应是长江中下游流域洪涝和北方夏季干旱异常的关键因子之一。青藏高原东南部东、北边界夏季水汽收支均具有准两年周期振荡特征, 并分别与长江中下游、西北地区东部夏季降水的准两年振荡特征具有一定的联系。
  • 图  1  高原东南部、长江中下游、西北地区东部区域示意图

    Fig. 1  Schematic diagram of the southeast part of Tibetan Plateau, mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River and the eastern part of Northwest China

    图  2  高原东南部气候平均4—8月逐候水汽收支演变

    Fig. 2  Duration curves of climatological mean water vapor budget over the southeast part of Tibetan Plateau from April to August

    图  3  长江中下游旱涝年合成500 hPa差值风场分布 (单位: m/s)

    Fig. 3  Difference of composed 500 hPa winds for flooding years from those for drought years of the mid-lower reaches of the Yangtze River (unit:m/s)

    图  4  高原东南部东边界 (a) 及北边界 (b) 水汽收支与我国夏季降水的相关分布


    Fig. 4  Correlation fields of moisture budget at east (a) and north (b) boundary over the southeast part of Tibetan Plateau with precipitation of China in summer

    (negative/positive correlations over 90% level are lightly/heavily shaded, respectively)

    图  5  夏季高原东南部东边界 (a) 和北边界 (b) 水汽收支的功率谱


    Fig. 5  Power spectrum of moisture budget at east (a) and north (b) boundary over southeast part of Tibetan Plateau in summer

    (dashed line denotes the standard spectrum of white noise at α=0.05)

    表  1  高原东南部、长江中下游以及西北地区东部侧边界水汽收支及区域总收支 (单位:106 kg·s-1)

    Table  1  Budgets of four boundaries and the corresponding regional total budgets over the southeast part of Tibetan Plateau, mid-lower reaches of Yangtze River and the eastern part of Northwest China (unit:106 kg·s-1)

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