
Characteristics and Maintaining Mechanisms of Sustained Cold-air Outbreak Snowstorm Processes in Shandong Peninsula During December 3—21, 2005

  • 摘要: 利用多普勒雷达、卫星、常规观测资料及NCEP/NCAR再分析资料分析了2005年12月3—21日发生在山东半岛4次持续性冷流暴雪的特征及维持机制。结果表明:冬季强冷空气暴发南下时, 波状冷流云在渤海发展造成山东半岛暴雪, 暴雪具有明显的空间分布和强度的日变化特征; 多普勒雷达资料反映了暴雪回波PPI强度为35~40dBz, PPI径向速度图上反映低空急流和风辐合特征, RCS, VCS产品反映暴雪回波的垂直特征; 4次暴雪过程对应500hPa中高纬度欧亚上空为两涡一脊的建立和维持, θse时空演变反映4次强的干冷空气对应4次暴雪过程; 暴雪发生时南北风在渤海附近存在一弱的风区; 暴雪日水汽较非暴雪日充沛, 垂直上升运动和低层散度辐合与强降雪相对应; 暴雪日在渤海附近海面温度与850 hPa温度差大于20℃; 暴雪区为对流不稳定的大气层结。


    Abstract: The analysis of characteristics and maintaining mechanisms of heavy snow events occurring in Shandong Peninsula during Dec 3—21, 2005 is undertaken using Doppler radar data, FY-2C satellite VIS image, observational station data and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data. The results show when outbreaks of winter cold air occur from the Eurasian Continent, snow clouds develop over the Bohai Sea.The meso-scale coastal front along the north of Shandong Peninsula is the meso-scale system which causes the sustained cold-air outbreak heavy snow events. The spatial distribution of real precipitation during Dec 3—21, 2005 is different from the north to the south in Shandong Peninsula, and the precipitation per 6 hours on Dec 4 and 7 2005 in Weihai shows the day variation of snowstorms. Doppler radar data show that the reflectivity at 0.5° elevation of the heavy snow-band extends from Bohai sea toward Shandong Peninsula is about 35 to 40 dBz. In the velocity field, the anticlockwise movement of wind vectors with height presents cold air current and a coastal front is studied by analyzing the Doppler radar data also. In reflectivity cross section data, most radar echo tops are less than 3 km. Velocity cross section shows the vertical structure characteristics of the horizontal wind velocity of the snowstorm.The FY-2C VIS satellite image shows the cloud streaks which the alignment of SW to NE is almost perpendicular to the northwesterly wind in the lower troposphere. It shows that there exists a close relationship between the evolution of the circulation over the mid-high latitudes and the heavy snowstorm processes. Once the dry cold air originates from the mid-high latitudes, the heavy snowstorm event develops.There is a weak south-northerly wind area when heavy snow events occur in Shandong Peninsula.The relative humidity is more than 90% between 850 hPa and 750 hPa, and the line of 90% relative humidity change with a wave movement. The snowstorms are in close relationship with the relative humidity. The horizontal convergence distribution at 850 hPa and the updraft along 122°E plays an important role in the spatial distribution of real precipitation. The updrafts and the convergence in the lower layer are the dynamic maintaining mechanism of the snowstorms by analyzing the time-height cross section of vorticity and horizontal divergence from Dec 3 to Dec 21 2005.The difference between sea surface temperature and temperature at 850 hPa over Bohai Sea is more than 20℃, and the distribution of θse at 850 hPa shows the convective instability in Shandong Peninsula during the snowstorm processes.


