Contrast Analysis on Numerical Simulation of 0703 Cyclone Strong Storm Surge
摘要: 为验证德国汉堡大学所开发的三维陆架模式HAMSOM(Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model)对渤海海域气旋风暴潮模拟的可行性和准确度, 并对不同来源气象数据的模拟结果进行比较, 分别使用T213和NCEP资料的风场和气压场数据, 运用HAM SOM模式对2007年3月4—5日发生在渤海和黄海北部的气旋风暴潮增水过程进行了数值模拟。模拟结果较好地反映出烟台、威海两站风暴潮增水过程的水位变化, 较准确地模拟出风暴潮在渤海、黄海北部的增水过程, 且T213资料比NCEP资料的模拟结果更接近实况, 该模式对研究和模拟渤海气旋风暴潮比较适用。Abstract: The coastal high water levels in Bohai Sea and the north of Yellow Sea result in a storm surge disaster onMar 4—5, 2007.The severe storm surge disaster is caused by the surface cyclone.Using T213 and NCEP data(1000 hPa wind and the surface pressure)by Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model, 0703 cyclone storm surge in BohaiSea and the north of Yellow Sea is simulated to investigate the process of storm surge set-up.The model is testedwith observations of Yantai and Weihai.The results show that the agreements between calculation and observation storm surge set-up of Yantai and Weihai are good, and the period of storm surge set-up in Bohai Sea and thenorth of Yellow Sea is well simulated.The numerical simulated results are in better agreement with observationsusing T213 than NCEP data.It indicates that it is feasible to study and simulate cyclone storm surge in BohaiSea and the north of Yellow Sea by Hamburg Shelf Ocean Model.