
Preliminary Results on Network Observation of Greenhouse Gases at China GAW Stations

  • 摘要: CO2和CH4是《京都议定书》限排的主要温室气体。自1990年以来的长期观测表明, 我国青海瓦里关全球本底站大气CO2和CH4浓度与北半球中纬度地区其他一些本底站的同期观测结果具有可比性, 观测数据已成为WMO全球温室气体公报及国内外有关评估报告的重要参考依据; 我国4个区域本底站过去一年来的采样分析结果显示:北京上甸子、浙江临安、黑龙江龙凤山、湖北金沙大气CO2和CH4浓度明显高于同期瓦里关站的观测值, 表明4个区域站大气CO2和CH4受自然及人为活动的影响较大。迄今为止, 国内相关部门通过多种方式开展了温室气体浓度长期观测或短期科研, 各具优势和特点, 但力量相对分散、观测站稀少、侧重点和目标各异。为了全面掌握我国温室气体本底浓度时空变化, 了解不同区域大气受自然和人为活动影响的程度, 亟需相关部门分工协作、优势互补、资源共享, 尽快推进我国温室气体及相关微量成分的网络化观测分析和源汇反演模式系统建设, 进而测算、验证不同区域温室气体排放源和吸收汇的动态变化, 分析、评估各区域之间的输送和影响, 为我国应对气候变化的内政、外交提供决策支持。


    Abstract: CO2 and CH4 are key greenhouse gases regulated by the Kyoto Protocol. Comparable atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations at Waliguan GAW global station (36.17°N, 100.55°E, 3816 m) in western China are validated by long-term observations since 1990 to that of other background stations in the world. The observational data from the GAW stations are widely referenced by the WMO Greenhouse Gases Bulletin and relevant scientific reports. In the period of July 2006 to June 2007, preliminary data from grab air sampling at the 4 GAW regional stations in China show higher atmospheric CO2 and CH4 concentrations at Shangdianzi (40°39′N, 117°07′E, 293.9 m), Lin' an (30°18′N, 119°44′E, 138 m), Longfengshan (44°44′N, 127°36′E, 310 m) and Jinsha (29°38′N, 114°12′E, 750 m) comparing to observed values at Waliguan. Spatial and temporal variations of greenhouse gas concentrations are resulted from nature and human activities in different regions. It is inferred that nature and human activities have relatively distinct influence on the regional background atmosphere.In the past decades, there are kinds of long-term or short period observations and research in China and they are globally conducted by different agencies. However, spatial and temporal distributions of greenhouse gases could not be effectively documented and essential constraints to the understanding of the global carbon cycle and climate change can not be provided by any of these measurements. Thus, in the near future it is essential to establish a long-term observational network at multiple sites especially in China and to carefully calibrate the internationally agreed greenhouse gases and related tracers reference scales, and it has to be quality controlled under the GAW framework.These long-term measurements are of the highest quality and accuracy possible to identify trends, seasonal variability, spatial and temporal distribution, source and sink strengths of greenhouse gases to allow climate and carbon cycle researchers to improve the under standing of the carbon cycle and predict how the atmosphere and climate evolve in the future as a result of human' s activities.


