
The Characteristic of Wire Icing in Shaanxi Province

  • 摘要: 选用陕西省宝鸡、华山、洛川、吴旗、榆林5站1980—2005年电线积冰观测资料, 分析了陕西省雨凇、雾凇及混合凇的分布特征与物理特性。结果表明:陕西省华山电线积冰最多、最大、最重。电线积冰以雨凇最多, 雾凇次之, 混合凇最少, 分别占55.2%, 27.9%和16.9%。各地积冰日多出现在11月至次年3月。雨凇、雾凇、混合凇的平均等效直径为10~25 mm, 极大值为78 mm; 平均质量为86~236 g/m; 华山积冰质量极值最大, 为1290 g/m; 积冰平均密度为0.22~0.34 g/cm 3, 混合凇最大, 雾凇最小。南北向等效直径的平均值、积冰质量、密度均大于东西向。近26年, 年最大积冰质量有增加的趋势。


    Abstract: Wire icing data at Baoji, Huashan, Luochuan, Wuqi and Yulin in Shaanxi observatories from 1980 to 2005 are analyzed to study the characteristics. When glaze and rime happen at the same time, it is taken as glime. Analyzing results shows Huashan has the most icing days annually, 40.3 days on average, while other observatories have 0.5 to 4.2 icing days on average. In Shaanxi, glaze is the most, rime is the second and glime is the least, taking the ratio of 55.2%, 27.9% and 16.9%, respectively. The icing days mainly concentrate from November to March. Huashan has the most icing days in March. Baoji and Wuqi have the most icing days in December. Luochuan and Yulin have the most icing days in January. The average equivalent diameters of glaze, rime and glime of Shaanxi are between 10 to 25 mm. The maximum equivalent diameter is 78 mm. The average masses are between 86 to 236g·m-3. The average densities are among 0.22 to 0.34 g·cm3, with glime being the biggest, rime the smallest. The meridional average equivalent diameters, average masses and ave rage densities of are bigger than those zonal ones. The maximum mass of Baoji, Huashan, Luochuan, Wuqi and Yulin are 13, 1290, 94, 25 g·m-1 and 25 g·m-1, respectively.


