
Total Cloud Amount Difference Between ISCCP Product and Ground Observation over China

  • 摘要: 国际卫星云气候计划ISCCP是国际上较权威和客观的云气候性研究计划, 自1983年以来为研究全球云和辐射平衡、云水资源分布等提供了有价值的数据。在分析总云量卫星和地面两种观测方式差异的基础上, 研究了1984-2006年ISCCP D2产品和我国地面观测云资料数据集总云量空间及时间差异。尽管两套资料能一致揭示我国总云量的分布形势和气候变化特征, 但区域性差异仍比较明显。天基、地基数据可对比格点上, 全国平均而言总云量卫星观测结果比地面观测偏高8.46%, 华南地区差异最小、东北地区差异最大。气候变化趋势分析结果表明:近23年我国总云量呈减少趋势, ISCCP D2产品总云量每年减少速度为0.015%, 小于地面观测的总云量每年减少速度 (0.063%); 东北地区总云量缓慢增多, 而青藏高原、西北地区总云量减少。利用卫星和地面资料均以累积距平法检测出1984—2001年总云量减少、2002-2006年总云量显著增加。


    Abstract: ISCCP (International Satellite Cloud Climatology Project) is an international authorized objective climatology project on cloud study. It has provided valuable data to studying the budget of global cloud and radiation, the distribution of cloud and water since 1983. The spatial and temporal total cloud amount differences are investigated using ISCCP D2 product and cloud dataset of ground observation over China during 1984—2006, based upon the analysis on the differences of cloud amount observation between the satellite platform and the ground observation. Due to the difference between the detection method and ability, observation coverage and time, inconstancy of cloud top/base, cloud height, cloud thickness, and cloud vertical distribution, the total cloud amount from satellite platform are different from that of surface dataset value. The quantitative analysis results show, although the two datasets show the consistent characteristics of total cloud amount distribution and climatology variation, regional differences are still remarkable. Based on the total cloud amount data from 568 surface stations, a new total cloud amount gird data series is formed with the reference of ISCCP D2 girds. Total cloud amount from satellite data is 8.46% higher than that given by surface data in the comparable 145 satellite-surface grids over China on average. The total cloud amount difference is smaller in the southern region, and larger in the northeastern region. It is closely related with the difference of detection method, cloud properties in different regions and the natural geography factors. With the 172 ISCCP D2 grids and 568 ground stations, the climate change trend is compared and analyzed. The annual variation of total cloud amount derived from the ISCCP D2 product and ground observation is accordant in the 5 regions (the northwest region, Tibetan Plateau region, the northeast region, the north of China and the south of China) during the period of 1984—2006. The total cloud amount decreases over China in the recent 23 years, the trend from ISCCP D2 product 0.015% per year is less than that from the ground observation, 0.063%per year. The total cloud amount increases slowly in the northeastern region, while decreases in Tibetan Plateau region and the northwestern region. With integral anomaly method, it shows the total cloud amount decreases in 1984—2001 and increases rapidly in 2002—2006 using satellite and surface data. The causes that total cloud amount from the two datasets (ISCCP D2 product and ground observation) over China have difference, and the quantitative results on spatial-distribution difference of total cloud amount and the trend of climate change, are helpful to further study on the cloud amount, radiation balance, and the promotion of climate models' performances.


