
Icing of Wires with Different Heights and Diameters from Lanzhou to Guanzhong

  • 摘要: 对2006—2007年、2007—2008年冬季甘肃、陕西、宁夏多个测点不同线径、不同架线高度电线积冰观测资料分析可知,不同线径电线积冰的净直径、净厚度、等效厚度、积冰重量间存在显著线性关系。直径为26 mm导线电线积冰重量约为18 mm导线的1.2倍,是4 mm铁丝的1.3倍。直径为26 mm导线与直径为18 mm导线电线积冰间的各项关系都较26 mm导线与4 mm铁丝的线性关系更为显著;大直径导线电线积冰的净直径、净厚度、等效厚度均小于4 mm铁丝;26 mm导线与18 mm导线电线积冰的净直径、等效厚度基本相等。电线积冰等效厚度是架设高度比的幂函数;忽略水滴下沉速度,在假定捕获系数为常数、假定时间各物理量均衡不变情况下,电线积冰重量与电线导线线径成正比,且随架设高度的增加而增加。


    Abstract: Based on the characteristic of the wire icing data of different diameters, diffe rent heights observed from Gansu, Shaanxi and Ningxia, the concept of net diamet er, net thickness are brought forward. The relations between net diameters, net thicknesses, average thickness and mass of wire icing of different diameters at different heights are studied, and the regularities are analyzed. It provides re ference for the calculation of the standard thickness of wire icing on power lin e between Gansu and Shaanxi. The results show that there are remarkable linear r elations between net diameter, net thickness, average thickness and masses of wi re icing. The mass, net diameter, average thickness, and net thickness of 26 mm conductor respectively are 1.3, 0.72, 0.65 and 0.4 times big as those of 4 mm wi re, and are 1.2, 1.037, 1 and 0.8882 times big as those of 18 mm conductor. The linear relations between 26 mm conductor and 18 mm conductor are more obvious th an the relations between 26 mm conductor and 4 mm wire. The net diameters, net t hickness and average thicknesses of ice accretion on the 26 mm conductor respect ively are smaller than that of 4 mm wire. The average power exponent of average thickness of ice accretion with height is 0.40. The power exponent is 0.45 at th e heights of 10 m to 5 m, 0.35 at the heights of 5 m to 2 m, 0.38 at the heights of 10 m to 2 m. By neglecting the sinking speed of water droplets, assuming tha t capture coefficient is a constant, and assuming various physical quantities ar e equilibrium constant, the weight of wire icing is proportional to conductor di ameter, and increases with the height of conductor. In the experiment, the order of ice accretion mass from small to big is 2 m high 18 mm conductor, 2 m high 2 6 mm conductor, 5 m high 18 mm conductor, 5 m high 26 mm conductor, 10 m high 18 mm conductor, 10 m high 26 mm conductor.


