Introduction and Quality Analysis of Chinese Aircraft Meteorological Data
摘要: 为全面了解我国飞机观测气象资料的时空分布特征和质量状况,该文介绍了AMDAR(Aircraft Meteorological Data Relay)计划的发展及我国通过AMDAR计划实施获取的飞机观测气象资料(又称AMDAR资料)的时空分布特征,分析了起飞和降落阶段飞机观测所获廓线资料的可用性,并分别对全球AMDAR资料和我国AMDAR资料进行极值检查、空间位置检验和时间一致性检验,对我国AMDAR资料错误率的月值变化和垂直分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:我国三分之二的AMDAR资料集中在飞机的起飞和降落阶段,并主要集中在我国中东部地区;利用我国AMDAR资料制作的廓线垂直分辨率大部分高于10 hPa。我国AMDAR资料的气温错误率低于全球水平,但风速错误率高于全球水平,错误资料主要集中在近地面层。从2008年开始,我国AMDAR资料的质量状况较往年有了明显改善,风速错误率一直维持在1.3%以下,气温错误率维持在0.2%以下。总体来说,我国AMDAR资料已成为我国高空气象观测资料的重要组成部分,资料质量稳定,具有较高的应用价值。Abstract: Meteorological data observed on civil airplanes in China in recent years is all the AMDAR reports spark plugged to obtain by the AMDAR Program of WMO. For a comprehensive understanding of the current situation and quality of Chinese aircraft meteorological data, the temporal and spatial distribution character of Chinese AMDAR data from 2003 to 2009 are summarized, synthesizing the AMDAR reports of these six years observed through aircrafts taking off and landing phase to aircraft observational profiles and analyzing its usability. Moreover, in reference to the aircraft data quality control principium used by NCEP, the quality of global AMDAR data and Chinese AMDAR data from May 2003 to April 2009 are checked with a quality control method, which consists of six steps: Metadata check, validity check of air temperature and wind, aviation track organization, position consistency check, temporal consistency check of air temperature and attitude, and comprehensive analysis of quality control code. Based on the result of quality control, the temporal and spatial distribution characteristic of error data is analyzed. The statistical result shows that, the amount of Chinese AMDAR reports has been increasing year by year. In 2003, there are about 50000 files per month. In 2009, the number is about 200000 per month. Two thirds of the reports concentrate in take off and landing phase. The analysis result shows that, all of the aircraft observational profiles cover over 110 airports, which are mainly distributed in the east central areas, especially some large and medium cities. The vertical resolution of almost all the aircraft observational profiles is higher than 10 hPa. With the development of Chinese AMDAR program, the proportion of profiles with high resolution increases year by year. In 2008, there are about 78.9 percent aircraft observational profiles whose vertical resolution is higher than 2 hPa. Case study result shows that, although the vertical trend is very close, there is a little difference at low level between the temperature observed by aircraft and by radiosonde. In addition, there is also a little difference among the temperature observed at the same height by different aircrafts. The result of quality control shows that the temperature error rate of Chinese AMDAR data is lower than the global level, but the wind error rate is to the contrary. The error data is mainly concentrated in the near surface level. The quality of Chinese AMDAR data has improved significantly compared with previous years. From January 2008 to April 2009, the monthly error rate of wind speed is less than 1.3 percent, and the monthly error rate of temperature is less than 0.2 percent. In conclusion, the source and quality of Chinese aircraft meteorological data is stable,and as an important part of upper air observation data, aircraft meteorological data is of great application value.
Key words:
- aircraft observation;
- profile;
- quality control
图 5 北京地区2009年4月9日地面至400hPa飞机观测的气温和风速 (a) 气温 (等值线;单位:℃) 和风速 (阴影;单位:m/s) 的时间-高度剖面图,(b)12:00飞机和探空观测气温的垂直变化
Fig. 5 Temperature and wind speed observed by aircraftin Beijing on 9 April 2009 (a) time-heightsection of temperature and wind speed, (b) vertical variation of temperature observed by aircraft and radiosonde in Beijing at 12:009 April 2009
表 1 2003年5月—2009年4月我国AMDAR资料的气温和风速错误率 (单位:%)
Table 1 Monthly error rates of temperature and wind speed of Chinese AMDAR reports from May 2003 to April 2009 (unit:%)
表 2 2008年我国AMDAR资料在各厚度层的气温和风速错误率 (单位:%)
Table 2 Temperature and wind speed error rates in different levels of Chinese AMDAR reports in 2008 (unit:%)
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