
Application of Multi job Management Mode to Numerical Simulation for Wind Energy Resource

  • 摘要: 通过对MM5和CALMET风能资源数值模拟耦合模式的计算流程分析,基于并行运算思想,设计了MM5和CALMET耦合模式模拟运算的多作业管理方式。在浙江省风能资源高分辨率数值模拟试验中,完成浙江区域1个月时间段的风能资源参数模拟运算,MM5和CALMET耦合模式在实施多作业管理方式前后,CALMET模式的运算时间由原来的1501.2 min缩短为149.5 min,运算时效提高了9倍;整个耦合模式的运算时间由原来的1709.9 min缩短为358.2 min,运算时效提高了4倍。数值模拟试验证实了多作业管理方式可在现有计算资源的基础上,大幅提高数值模式的运算时效,且随着数值模式模拟时间段的加长和模拟区域范围的扩大,多作业管理方式对数值模式运算功效的增强越加明显。


    Abstract: Numerical simulation of regional wind energy resource requires high performance computing resource. High spatial/temporal resolution models need more running time due to the limit of computing power. So lots of efforts are devoted to improving calculation efficiency of numerical model. The coupled MM5/CALMET model is proved to be suitable for simulating wind energy resource, and it is also recommended by China Meteorological Administration as a numerical simulation model to estimate provincial wind energy resource. Therefore, interpreting the computational flow of MM5 and CALMET models, a multi job management mode is designed based on parallel calculation principle. The numerical simulation of wind energy resource in Zhejiang Province demonstrates that the multi job management mode can significantly improve calculation efficiency of the coupled MM5/CALMET model. In the numerical simulation experiments of monthly parameters which are related to wind energy resource assessment, the CALMET model without parallel calculation needs 1501.2 minutes, but it only costs 149.5 minutes when implementing the multi job management mode, increasing the calculation efficiency of the coupled MM5/CALMET model by 4 times. The multi job management mode shows the ability to further improve the calculation efficiency of the coupled MM5/CALMET model with its simulation area expanding and simulation period prolonging.


