
Formation Mechanism of the Snowstorm over Beijing in Early Winter of 2009

  • 摘要: 利用多种新观测资料,对2009年11月1日北京出现的60年来降雪量最大的初雪过程的发生、发展特征进行分析,并探讨了暴雪形成机制。结果表明:此次初冬暴雪过程是在500 hPa东亚大槽斜压发展、低层锋区较强的背景下,由华北锢囚锋强迫所致。该锢囚锋是贝加尔湖南下冷空气在华北燕山和太行山地形影响下变为低层东西两股冷空气相向挤压的产物;伴随锢囚锋的形成,在北京西南37°~40°N之间形成狭窄水汽输送通道,为锢囚锋降水提供必需的水汽条件。锢囚锋区结构浅薄,主要存在于850 hPa层以下,为垂直东倾的冷式锢囚;东倾结构决定了降水落区,北京恰处于地面锢囚锋东侧的锢囚锋区中;而锢囚锋浅薄的垂直结构则决定了其强迫抬升运动并不深厚,故暴雪是降雪时间长、累积量大的结果。另外,北京雨转雪的发生是因降雪前近地面层气温下降较快接近冰点的缘故,降温主要源于雪前降雨在近地面层蒸发冷却的贡献;低层东路冷空气的平流作用则是降雪期间近地面气温维持较低的主因。


    Abstract: Using a variety of high spatial and temporal resolution observation data, an in-depth observation analysis is carried out on the formation and development mechanism of a snowstorm case happened on 1 Nov 2009 over Beijing and notable by its nature of the most early winter snowstorm in the past 60 years in Beijing. It shows that the snowstorm occurs under the favorable large scale atmospheric conditions. The enhanced 500 hPa trough over East Asian region together with the low level occluded front in Taihang and Yan mountain areas of North China provided strong forcing for the snowstorm. The occluded front is a terrain-driven cold-style occluded front system due to the encounter of the low level (below 1500 m) northwest to southeast cold air with the Taihang and Yan mountains. The low level cold air turns its original moving direction into west, and results in the moisture feeding to the occluded front zone from two different directions (the Bohai Sea and the edge of the water vapor-rich region in southern China).It shows that the snowstorm is the result of the low level occluded front, and precipitation distribution of 1101 process in 2009 is decided by the eastward-tilting structure of the occluded front, and Beijing is just located in the favorable front zone (the east side to the top of surface occluded front). Because vertical structure (below 1500 m) of the occluded front is shallower than the classic occluded front developed from the typical frontal cyclone, the vertical motion of the snowstorm case is not very strong. Therefore, its precipitation distributes evenly with time but lasts about 15 hours (rain first then it turns into snow) with large amount of the accumulated precipitation. The observation analysis based on wind profile suggests that the occluded front weakens from its bottom to top, which is caused by the cold air invading to the mature occluded front zone starting from layers below 500—800 m and then extending upward.Furthermore, the diagnosis shows that the precipitation transits from rain to snow because the surface air temperature decreases to near freezing point rapidly. The mechanisms for the temperature drop are not the same in different stages of precipitation. Evaporative cooling of the rainfall is the main contributor to the temperature drop before snowfall (from 00:00 to 08:00 on 1 November), while the low-level cold air advection plays the key role for maintaining lower air temperature during the whole snowfall period from 08:00 to 14:00 on 1 November in 2009.


