The Meso-scale Weather Analysis and Forecasting System (MWAFS) is reviewed, introducing its components and technical features, describing the technical architecture, system function, products of MWAFS general analysis and display platform in details. The differences between MWAFS and MICAPS are also discussed.MWAFS is established for monitoring, analyzing and predicting meso-scale disaster weather based on network, GIS, database as well as the meteorological professional analysis. It is the integration of several major national research projects results in meso-scale disaster weather research as well as the key operational products of the meteorological industry. It can be used for tracking and obtaining the meso-scale weather information quickly and effectively. MWAFS consists of data acquisition, data processing and data display subsystems. The data display subsystem is developed on the technologic platform of Geobeans and realizes seamless integration between GIS and meteorology spatial analysis models by the embedded form. The techniques such as spatial database, spatial (online analytical processing) and spatial data displaying can be put together effectively, which can offer the abilities of management, inquiry, analysis and display of spatial information. MWAFS is based on multitier architecture, and supports B/S and C/S structure.