
Mesoscale Weather Analysis and Forecasting Display Platform

  • 摘要: 中尺度灾害天气分析与预报系统 (Meso-Weather Analysis and Forecasting System,简称MWAFS) 是集成了国家重大科研项目产出的有关中尺度灾害天气研究成果以及气象行业关键的业务产品,综合应用计算机网络、地理信息系统、数据库以及气象专业分析模型等信息处理技术建立的一个能快速、有效地监测、分析与预测中尺度灾害天气的应用平台。MWAFS系统由数据接收处理、产品生成和综合分析显示3个子系统组成。其综合分析显示子系统基于WebGIS技术,融合了气象信息分析和显示方法,实现了重要场所天气状况的精确定位和表达,以及多时空气象资料的综合分析和叠加显示;显示系统采用了C/S和B/S两种体系架构,既可满足个人用户进行个性化的操作与分析,又可实现远程用户通过浏览器快速浏览和调用MWAFS系统产品。此外,系统建立了自动化的后台数据管理机制、作业调度流程和方便灵活的数据接口,易于本地化使用。


    Abstract: The Meso-scale Weather Analysis and Forecasting System (MWAFS) is reviewed, introducing its components and technical features, describing the technical architecture, system function, products of MWAFS general analysis and display platform in details. The differences between MWAFS and MICAPS are also discussed.MWAFS is established for monitoring, analyzing and predicting meso-scale disaster weather based on network, GIS, database as well as the meteorological professional analysis. It is the integration of several major national research projects results in meso-scale disaster weather research as well as the key operational products of the meteorological industry. It can be used for tracking and obtaining the meso-scale weather information quickly and effectively. MWAFS consists of data acquisition, data processing and data display subsystems. The data display subsystem is developed on the technologic platform of Geobeans and realizes seamless integration between GIS and meteorology spatial analysis models by the embedded form. The techniques such as spatial database, spatial (online analytical processing) and spatial data displaying can be put together effectively, which can offer the abilities of management, inquiry, analysis and display of spatial information. MWAFS is based on multitier architecture, and supports B/S and C/S structure.


