
The Design of Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Information System with Its Implementation

  • 摘要: 该文将时空数据模型的概念引入台风海洋网络气象信息系统,旨在构建一个多源、异构气象服务产品与数据按照统一的时空数据模型进行组织、集成和融合,并在互联网上实时展现的信息系统平台。介绍了该系统的设计思路和技术框架,同时分析了该系统中引入时空数据模型的技术难点和关键技术,重点展示了系统构建成型后能实现的主要功能,包括台风路径信息与卫星云图、天气形势场等多种气象信息的叠加显示;多功能历史台风路径信息查询;台风实况路径信息与城市风雨监测实况、卫星云图、雷达图的同步动画显示;气象灾害预警信息、气象资讯、城市天气实况及预报等内容的集成发布等。该研究成果已在中国天气台风网 (typhoon.weather.com.cn) 得到实际应用。


    Abstract: A Typhoon and Marine Meteorological Information System with spatial-temporal model for heterogeneous multi-source weather products is introduced. The system focuses on multi-function typhoon track querying, weather information fusion and integrated web publishing based on WebGIS and rich internet application (RIA). The system also aims to expand typhoon and marine weather information service applications, and to develop a fast integrated multi-source weather data publishing platform. This system has been deployed on a website (typhoon.weather.com.cn).The overall system design idea is to develop a spatial-temporal model based on web electronic map and manage a series of weather data such as typhoon information, satellite images, radar images, live wind data, live precipitation data, offshore weather forecast and high-altitude surveillance data. The system fuses and overlays all kinds of the data, then publishes all the contents on the web. The system tries to complete and improve traditional weather service mode on the Internet, and attempts to provide richer and more professional meteorological services.The system aims to accomplish 4 primary targets. The first one is to process several weather data products into an integrated one, thus a product can convey a variety of weather information. The second aim is to popularize the meteorological information, and let the public understand the development of typhoon better. The third one is to fuse weather monitoring data and forecast data as an integration in order to provide references for the professional users and decision-making departments. The fourth one is to provide different services depending on different target users. As for ordinary users, the system can be accessed quickly, representing meteorological information easy to understand, allowing massive concurrent visits. As for professional users, this system will provide more professional and comprehensive weather information superimposed applications and more flexible user interaction.The system uses C/S and B/S combination of technical architecture based on spatial databases. The C/S section provides data import, edit and electronic map management functions. The B/S section represent marine meteorological information such as typhoon tracking, monitoring data and other integrated information based on WebGIS technology. All the various types of meteorological information are organized and managed according to a unified spatio-temporal data model.Compared to the traditional typhoon information systems, this is a user-friendly and feature-rich system which will process and apply a wide range of information including news, typhoon track data, satellite images, radar data, weather alerts, etc. Its designed daily visits are more than 5 million page views. The service framework of the system is valuable for further promotion.


