
Fengyun Series Meteorological Satellite Data Archiving and Service System

  • 摘要: 国家卫星气象中心依托风云卫星工程,对多批次工程建设采取统一设计、滚动开发、分批扩展的方法,建成气象卫星数据存档与服务系统。系统架构于多个高性能计算机集群,应用可配置的动态加载容器和多机作业负载均衡并发处理技术将集群构建为高扩展性、高可用、高效率的业务系统。对Internet的全集数据共享技术、分布式时空一体化数据库存储技术、基于WebGIS的全球卫星影像发布技术、可视化处理与显示技术、三维地球影像发布技术、多源数据融合处理技术等多项关键技术进行研究与应用,为用户提供多种数据共享服务方式,提高了数据下载效率。目前,国家卫星气象中心已存档国内外21颗气象卫星801类共1150 TB数据,为24258个注册用户提供各类数据共享服务,该系统亦可通过配置扩展,适应未来国家卫星气象中心数据存档与服务的需求。


    Abstract: The Internet, WebGIS, distributed spatial database, three-dimensional global images and several derivative technologies are developing rapidly in the 21st century. The meteorological satellite data has following features: Huge amount of daily data volume and archived data volume, high frequency of the historical data download, and the data users distribute around the world. In order to meet the needs, meteorological satellite data archiving and service system is constructed, focusing on high frequency data archiving and management for high capacity. The system provide users with a variety of fast and convenient query retrieval and efficient data downloading methods, as well as satellite data displaying from multiple angles and Internet-based data services.Meteorological satellite data archiving and service system developed by National Satellite Meteorological Center relies on Fengyun series satellites. The system construction takes on unified design, rolling development and batch expansion method. It is a comprehensive information service system of meteorological satellites. The system adopts today's advanced and sophisticated computer technology, storage technology, network data retrieval technology, database technology, information dynamic release technology and GIS technology to establish a new generation of national environmental data archiving and service system through FY-2 and FY-3 series satellite ground application system. It takes account of foreign meteorological satellite data. It can not only provides data retrieval service, but also help all kinds of users to share satellite data with various aids and information, meeting all domestic and international users' demands.Meteorological satellite data archiving and service system integrates several high-performance servers, high availability disk array, large-scale automated tape library as well as system software, database software, storage software and application software, all of which constitutes archive and service application clusters. The application of configured dynamic load container technology and multi-server processing load balancing and parallel computing technology makes the cluster a highly scalable, highly available, highly efficient operational system to realize all levels of satellite data archiving, customization, retrieval, dynamic information release, operation monitoring, management, historical data integration and other functions. Internet-based full dataset sharing technology, distributed spatiotemporal integration of database storage technology, WebGIS global satellite image distribution technology, visual processing and display technology, 3D earth image distribution technology, multi-source data fusion technology and many other key technologies are adopted in the system to improve data sharing and service.Completion of the system meets the needs of operational meteorological satellite, achieving daily 2 TB data storing and daily 1 TB data download service. The system running in National Satellite Meteorological Center is the first one to provide internet-based full archive dataset (online, nearline, offline) sharing service in the area of civil remote sensing satellite data services, National Satellite Meteorological Center has archived 801 kinds of data and products for 21 Chinese and foreign satellites, the total storage is up to 1150 TB, and various satellite data sharing service are available for 24258 registered users. The system can also be configured to expand to meet future needs.


