
Atmospheric Vapor Content over China and Its Climatological Evaluation Method

  • 摘要: 该文根据中国高空气候标准值 (1971—2000年) 逐月数据集124个探空站资料,计算出各站的整层大气水汽含量,并绘制出年水汽含量分布,除青藏高原地区外,其余地区基本上呈纬向分布。继而配合我国地面气候标准值逐月数据集的水汽压和地面气压数据,在对水汽压进行相应的订正后,将其与整层水汽含量进行相关分析,拟合出全国普遍适用的、统一的或分月的线性经验表达式。拟合结果与实测值之间的均方根误差为0.25 cm。文中还详细讨论了多项式不同次数对拟合结果的影响,结果表明:与数据点走向拟合较好的多项式,次数高其结果并非误差最小。利用经地面气压订正的地面水汽压 (x) 与整层水汽含量 (y) 的拟合公式为y=0.185x+0.093,其最大优点是站点无论高低、不分地域普遍适用。


    Abstract: Water vapor content in atmosphere is important for the calculation of surface solar radiation, so it is a necessary parameter. At the same time, water vapor is a kind of climate resources which plays an important role in climatology. In order to evaluate water vapor properly, the integrated water vapor of each station is calculated based on the aerological climate standard data of the whole 124 aerological meteorological stations in China from 1971 to 2000. The distribution of annual value indicates that water vapor content in China increases with latitude except Tibetan Plateau. Using the data from China Surface Climate Standard Monthly Database (1971—2000), the surface vapor pressure is revised by corresponding surface air pressure, and then a consistent or monthly empirical formula which can be used throughout the country is obtained. Root mean square error (RMSE) of fitting value from the empirical formula and observational value is 0.25 cm. The affection of polynomial power on fitting value is discussed in depth and it can be seen that the high power polynomial which makes good fitting correlation doesn't mean the lowest RMSE. The optimal fitting formula of revised surface vapor pressure (x) by surface air pressure and integrated water vapor content (y) is: y=0.185x+0.093. The greatest advantage of this formula is that it can be used all over the country, no matter highland or lowland, in the north or in the south. Therefore, it can be considered much more close to the practical situation.


