
Simulation and Analysis of the Relationship Between the Turbine Blade Condition and Its Lightning Strike Probability

  • 摘要: 利用闪电先导二维随机模式对风力发电机遭受雷击情况进行模拟,分析表明:随着下行先导初始位置相对风力发电机水平偏移距离不断增加,雷击风力发电机概率不断减小,偏右500 m时减至4%,且雷击部位多为叶片,叶片姿态不同,雷击特点存在一定差异。当风力发电机1号扇叶转动45°时,扇叶上产生的上行先导长度达221 m,高于平均值10.3%,且各个扇叶间的竞争关系较明显。对风力发电机叶片姿态不同、偏移下行先导不同距离时的雷击概率进行模拟,得出下行梯级先导相对于风力发电机水平偏右300 m以及偏左300 m以内时,扇叶处于15°~45°之间遭受的雷击概率略高,而偏右500 m时其雷击概率明显偏高。由整体随机性分析可知,当风力发电机处于15°~45°时,遭受雷击危害的概率相对较大。


    Abstract: To study the interaction between the lightning leader and the wind turbine, a 2-dimension random model of lightning leader is used to simulate and analyze the cases of lightning flash striking the wind turbine. Random simulation results demonstrate that as the horizontal distance between the initial downward leader and the turbine increases, the probability of the turbine to be stricken by lightning decreases instead, and even declines to about 4% when the distance is around 500 meters. The lightning strike points mostly are the turbine blades and there is some distinction in the striking character when the turbine is under different conditions.Here it is supposed that the wind turbine is relatively still because the rotation speed of the blade can be ignored compared with the speed at an order about 105 m/s in which the downward stepped leader develops. For simplicity, the blade in the first quadrant is named as No.1 blade and the other two as No.2 and No.3 blade in the clockwise direction. Then all possible turbine states are divided into five basic ones, i.e., turbine state 1—5 when the inclination angle of the No.1 blade is 0°, 15°, 30°, 45° and 60°, respectively. When the relative angle between the No.1 blade of the turbine and the vertical frame is 45°, the upward leader initiated from the turbine blade under the influence of the downward stepped leader has an obvious longer length which reaches 221 meters, nearly 10.3% higher than the average value of all the five basic situations. Due to the randomness of the occurrence that a turbine is stricken by lightning, incidences considering all important factors have been simulated such as the turbine condition and the horizontal distance between the downward initial leader and the turbine.To study and analyze the natural lightning strike probability of the blades under different conditions, the distance value which can vary a lot is hypothesized to be only 0—500 meters. When the inclination angle of the No.1 blade is 15°—45°, the turbine will bear a little higher risk to be stricken by lightning if the horizontal distance between the downward initial leader and the turbine is smaller than 300 meters. But the probability of the turbine to be stricken is relatively much higher if the distance becomes about 500 meters, obviously higher than that of turbines under any other conditions. It can be concluded that when the inclination angle of the No.1 blade is 15°—45°, the probability of the turbine to be stricken is relatively larger.


