
Hydrometeorology Forecast System of the Danjiangkou Basins in Hanjiang

  • 摘要: 汉江丹江口流域水文气象预报系统在GIS技术的支持下,以水文气象监测网、定量降水估算、定量降水预报、洪水预报技术为基础,通过雷达估算降水技术、中尺度数值模式预报技术获取高时空分辨率的降水信息输入水文模型来进行水文气象预报。以Web形式为基础的汉江丹江口流域水文气象预报系统平台在2010年7月以及2011年9月汉江丹江口两次洪水过程中及时、准确地显示了流域实况降水、预报降水,准确地预报了洪水入库过程。目前系统已成功移植到三峡区间、清江水布垭、淮河王家坝、漳河水库等流域开展汛期试验与服务,取得了较好的应用效果。


    Abstract: The modern meteorological service technology development, especially quantitative precipitation estimation and forecast technology, makes it possible to improve the hydrological meteorological forecast service. Based on real-time hydrological and meteorological monitoring, quantitative precipitation estimation (QPE), quantitative precipitation forecasting (QPF), real-time flood forecast technique, hydrometeorology forecast system of the Danjiangkou Basins in Hanjiang applies high spatial and temporal resolution rainfall data in hydrological model to carry out the real-time hydrometeorology forecast. Adopting the browser/client/server (B/C/S) three-layer structure, the rainfall monitoring, radar quantitative precipitation estimation, numerical forecast precipitation, flood forecast, hydrology and other product information are processed on client/server (C/S) system, and then the products can be displayed on the browser side. GIS technology is used to define the basin boundary and extract the river system based on the DEM data, and then to define the place and water in basin, to complete the digital work of basin basic information. Second, precipitation information, basin actual observation, radar estimation, model forecast precipitation products are processed with some clipping algorithm and basin geography information, and input into the hydrological model. Third, to construct basin hydrological forecast model based on basin geography climate characteristics, the Xinanjiang Hydrological Model is adopted to make the real time flood forecast, and the data files are stored in specified directory for database calling. Finally, the Asp.Net (C#) 4.0 is adopted to develop system display platform, including the display for basin overview, graphics products of basin actual monitoring, radar QPE, model QPF, hydrological forecast and monitor products. The completed system platform can achieve the hydrological meteorological information monitoring and forecasting. During the two flood processes in July of 2010 and September of 2011, the precipitation observed and forecasted is given and displayed timely and accurately, the flood process curve is also forecasted accurately. Nowadays, the system has been successfully transplanted to the Three Gorges, Qingjiang Shuibuya Reservoir, Huaihe Wangjiaba, the Zhanghe Basins, and has carried out flood tests and services, achieving good effects.


