With the stable increase of carbon dioxide (CO
2) concentrations, space based measurement of CO
2 concentration in lower atmosphere by reflected sunlight in near infrared band has become a hot research topic. Recently, instruments sensitive to total CO
2 column data in near-surface have become available through the SCIAMACHY instrument on ENVISAT and TANSO-FTS on GOSAT. The developing hyper spectral CO
2 detector in China carried by TANSAT is going to be launched in 2015. Hyper spectral CO
2 detector is designed to provide global measurements of CO
2 in lower troposphere, employing high resolution spectra of reflected sunlight taken simultaneously in near-infrared CO
2 (1.61
μm and 2.06
μm) and O
2 (0.76
μm) bands.Associated with climate change and observation requirements of carbon sources and sinks, the feasibility of making CO
2 column concentration measurements with high-resolution and high-precision is studied by high resolution atmosphere radiation transfer model. In consideration of the application requirements, effects of key specifications of the hyper spectral CO
2 detector such as spectral resolution, sampling ratio and sign-to-noise ratio (SNR) on CO
2 detection are analyzed.Typical characteristics of hyper spectral CO
2 detector on TANSAT are grating spectrometer and array-based detector. To achieve the column averaged atmospheric CO
2 dry air mole fraction (
XCO2) precision requirements of 1×10
-6, hyper spectral CO
2 detector should provide high resolution at first to resolve CO
2 absorption lines from continuous spectra of reflected sunlight. Compared to a variety of simulated spectral resolutions, the spectral resolution of hyper spectral CO
2 detector on TANSAT can resolve CO
2 spectral features and maintain the moderate radiance sensitivity. Since small size array detector-based instruments may suffer from undersampling of the spectra, influences of spectral undersampling to CO
2 absorption spectra are studied, indicating that sampling ratio should exceed 2 pixels/FWHM to ensure the accuracy of CO
2 spectrum.SNR is one of the most important parameters of hyper spectral CO
2 detectors to ensure the reliability. SNR requirements of CO
2 detector to different detection precisions are explored based on the radiance sensitivity factors. Results show that it is difficult to achieve SNR to detect 1×10
-6 CO
2 concentration change in the boundary layer by solar shortwave infrared passive remote sensing, limited by the instrument development condition and level at present. However, the instrument SNR to detect 1% change in the CO
2 column concentration is attainable. These results are not only conductive to universal applications and guides on developing grating spectrometer, but also helpful to better understand the complexity of CO
2 retrieval.