
Monitoring Characteristics of Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopes in Precipitation of Nanjing

  • 摘要: 基于2018年7月—2019年6月南京降水同位素观测数据和中国气象局气象观测数据,研究南京降水稳定同位素组成的变化特征,对比热带气旋降水、梅雨降水和其他降水的降水同位素组成特征,研究降水同位素组成与热带气旋移动路径关系。结果表明:南京降水氧同位素组成(δ18O)和氢同位素组成(δ2H)的变化范围分别为-16.3‰~4.0‰和-103.0‰~32.9‰,雨季降水氢氧同位素组成相对贫化,非雨季相对富集;降水氘盈余的降水加权平均值为15.5‰,表明南京降水受陆面过程影响大。从降水量权重看,热带气旋降水和梅雨降水强度大,降水氢氧同位素组成严重贫化;其他降水的强度相对较弱,降水氢氧同位素组成比较富集;受水汽源地和陆面循环等过程的综合影响,热带气旋降水氘盈余小于全球平均值(10‰),梅雨降水氘盈余略高于全球平均值,其他降水氘盈余远高于全球平均值。登陆前仅在海洋上移动的热带气旋,降水氘盈余维持在7.5‰~8.6‰,但二次登陆的热带气旋降水氘盈余远大于10‰,可能是受到陆地蒸散过程的影响。


    Abstract: With the climate change, extreme precipitation events become more and more frequent. It is particularly important to explore the characteristics of different precipitation types for the study of local precipitation process and water cycle. In order to explore the isotopic characteristics of different precipitation types, especially the relationship between the isotopic characteristics of tropical cyclone precipitation and its moving path, the characteristics of precipitation in Nanjing from July 2018 to June 2019 are analyzed based on the precipitation isotopic composition data and the meteorological data from China Meteorological Administration. The results indicate that, in general, the stable hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions of precipitation in Nanjing are more depleted in monsoon wet season and more enriched in non-monsoon wet season. After classifying the precipitation types, it is found that the intensity of tropical cyclone and Meiyu precipitation is high, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions are seriously depleted; while the intensity of other precipitation are relatively weak, and the hydrogen and oxygen isotopic compositions are relatively rich. The deuterium excess value of tropical cyclone precipitation is usually less than the global average (10‰), which may be caused by the fast speed and short path of tropical cyclones from the eastern sea surface. The deuterium excess value of Meiyu precipitation is slightly higher than the global average, which may be influenced by persistent stationary fronts, the long and slow water vapor transport distance, and strong land evaporation. Other precipitation deuterium excesses are much larger than the global average, and this may be due to the more complex effects of land surface evaporation. Detailed analysis also indicates that, among the tropical cyclone influencing the precipitation of Nanjing, those directly landing in China from the ocean lead to lower deuterium excess values from 7.5‰ to 8.6‰. But for those landing on the southern Japan first and then in China, like Typhoon Jongdari (1812), the deuterium excess value of precipitation is much greater than 10‰, indicating that it is significantly affected by the land.


