
Difference Between 2D and 3D Development Characteristics of an Upward Lightning Leader

  • 摘要: 基于高时空分辨率的广州高建筑物雷电观测站双站(观测点1和观测点2)同步观测资料,对比分析2019年4月20日05:12(世界时)发生在广州塔上的一次上行闪电的先导二维和三维发展特征。分析表明:该上行闪电可三维重建的上行先导通道发展长度约为5.4 km,是对应两个观测点二维通道长度的1.5倍和1.38倍;由观测点1的高速摄像记录分析得到的上行先导二维发展速率变化范围为1.8×104~4.5×105 m·s-1(平均值为1.8×105 m·s-1);对应的上行先导三维发展速率变化范围为3.8×104~7.2×105 m·s-1(平均值为2.8×105 m·s-1);三维和二维发展速率之比变化范围为1~4.7,平均值为1.5;上行先导始发后10 ms内,三维与二维发展速率的变化趋势大致相同,均随高度增加而逐渐加快;10 ms后二维发展速率明显降低,平均值仅为10 ms内的42%,且随时间变化较小。而10 ms后的三维发展速率平均值为10 ms内的77%,随时间呈明显的不规则波动变化;先导通道与观测点间的距离以及通道发展方向与观测点视线方向的夹角是造成上行先导二维和三维发展速率差异的主要因素。


    Abstract: Tall object not only has a high probability of being struck by downward lightning, but also is easy to trigger upward lightning. Comparing with 2D optical observation, reconstructed 3D observation by dual-station optical observation can better reflect the real characteristics of the lightning channel. Based on the synchronous dual-station optical observations from the Tall-Object Lightning Observatory in Guangzhou (TOLOG), an upward lightning triggered by a nearby positive cloud-to-ground (CG) flash at Guangzhou Tower is investigated, and 2D and 3D development characteristics of the upward leader are compared.The result shows that the length of 3D channel is 5.4 km, which is 1.5 times of 2D channel. 3D channel is developed at a height of more than 4.6 km in the vertical direction and about 800 m in the horizontal direction. 2D speed ranges from 1.8×104 to 4.5×105 m·s-1, with an average of 1.8×105 m·s-1. 3D speed ranges from 3.8×104 to 7.2×105 m·s-1, with an average value of 2.8×105 m·s-1. Within 10 ms after the leader initiation, 3D and 2D speeds show roughly the same trend. After 10 ms, 2D rate decreases significantly and changes little over time, while 3D speed shows an obvious irregular fluctuation with time. The ratio of 3D speed and 2D speed ranges from 1 to 4.7, with an average of 1.5. The ratio remains stable at 1-2 for the first 10 ms after leader initiation and then shows irregular fluctuations with time. In fact, due to the change of horizontal development direction of the channel 10 ms after the leader initiation, the distance between the channel and the station-1 increases rapidly, leading to increasing speed difference between 3D and 2D observations. The cause for the fluctuation of 3D speed and 2D speed ratio is that the angle between the development direction of the channel and the sight direction of the observation station changes greatly. The results of 2D and 3D vary greatly at a certain stage of upward leader development, which further proves the importance of analyzing 3D development characteristics of lightning.


