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周春红 饶晓琴 盛黎 张健 陆建燕 林建 胡江凯 张碧辉 徐冉

周春红, 饶晓琴, 盛黎, 等. 尺度适应性起沙机制在CMA-CUACE/Dust中的应用. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(4): 400-413. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240402..
引用本文: 周春红, 饶晓琴, 盛黎, 等. 尺度适应性起沙机制在CMA-CUACE/Dust中的应用. 应用气象学报, 2024, 35(4): 400-413. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240402.
Zhou Chunhong, Rao Xiaoqin, Sheng Li, et al. Application of scale-adaptive dust emission scheme to CMA-CUACE/Dust. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(4): 400-413. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240402.
Citation: Zhou Chunhong, Rao Xiaoqin, Sheng Li, et al. Application of scale-adaptive dust emission scheme to CMA-CUACE/Dust. J Appl Meteor Sci, 2024, 35(4): 400-413. DOI:  10.11898/1001-7313.20240402.


DOI: 10.11898/1001-7313.20240402

国家重点研发计划 2022YFC3701205

中国气象局创新发展专项 CXFZ2023P062


    周春红, 邮箱:zhouch@cma.gov.cn

Application of Scale-adaptive Dust Emission Scheme to CMA-CUACE/Dust

  • 摘要: 沙尘暴是影响我国重要的灾害性天气之一,针对中国气象局亚洲沙尘暴数值预报系统CMA-CUACE/Dust(China Meteorological Administration Unified Atmospheric Environment for Dust)的沙尘质量浓度在中亚高估、蒙古北部低估、在我国消散过快以及极端沙尘暴预报峰值偏低等问题,应用与模式格距匹配的尺度适应性起沙机制并更新风蚀资料库对模式进行改进。对2021年3月13—17日东亚最强沙尘暴个例和2023年3—5月与业务运行环境一致的连续预报试验表明,改进后的模式(CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5)有效改善了上述不足,极端沙尘暴过程传输至我国后的沙尘质量浓度峰值与观测接近。连续预报试验TS(threat score)评分显示:CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5预报一致性和连续性较好,1~5 d不同时效预报TS评分明显高于改进前和韩国模式ADAM(the Asian Dust Aerosol Model),漏报率明显降低,对2023年5次沙尘过程的4次预报TS评分高于0.3,部分过程超过0.5。
  • 图  1  2021年3月14日和15日14 :00 CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5地面沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)和观测(符号)

    Fig. 1  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observation(the mark) at 1400 BT 14 Mar and 1400 BT 15 Mar in 2021

    图  1  2021年3月14日和15日14 :00 CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5地面沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)和观测(符号)

    Fig. 1  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observation(the mark) at 1400 BT 14 Mar and 1400 BT 15 Mar in 2021

    图  2  2021年3月17日08:00 CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5地面沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)和观测(符号)

    Fig. 2  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observation(the mark) at 0800 BT 17 Mar 2021

    图  2  2021年3月17日08:00 CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5地面沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)和观测(符号)

    Fig. 2  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observation(the mark) at 0800 BT 17 Mar 2021

    图  3  2021年3月13日08:00—18日02:00 CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5北京和上海地面沙尘质量浓度预报和观测

    Fig. 3  Forecasted dust concentration by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observation in Beijing and Shanghai from 0800 BT 13 Mar to 0200 BT 18 Mar in 2021

    图  3  2021年3月13日08:00—18日02:00 CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5北京和上海地面沙尘质量浓度预报和观测

    Fig. 3  Forecasted dust concentration by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observation in Beijing and Shanghai from 0800 BT 13 Mar to 0200 BT 18 Mar in 2021

    图  4  2023年3—5月CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0、CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5和ADAM不同时效预报的TS评分、漏报率和空报率

    Fig. 4  Thread score, missing rate and false rate for CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0, CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 and ADAM from Mar to May in 2023

    图  4  2023年3—5月CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0、CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5和ADAM不同时效预报的TS评分、漏报率和空报率

    Fig. 4  Thread score, missing rate and false rate for CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0, CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 and ADAM from Mar to May in 2023

    图  5  2023年春季5次沙尘暴过程的CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0、CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5和ADAM预报TS评分、空报率和漏报率

    Fig. 5  Threat score, missing rate and false rate of five episodes of sand and dust storms in spring of 2023 for CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0, CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 and ADAM

    图  5  2023年春季5次沙尘暴过程的CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0、CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5和ADAM预报TS评分、空报率和漏报率

    Fig. 5  Threat score, missing rate and false rate of five episodes of sand and dust storms in spring of 2023 for CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0, CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 and ADAM

    图  6  2023年3月19—24日沙尘暴过程起沙阶段CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5PM10质量浓度预报(填色)和天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 6  Forecasted PM10 concentration(the shaded) in onset stage of sand and dust storm event from 19 Mar to 24 Mar in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    图  6  2023年3月19—24日沙尘暴过程起沙阶段CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5PM10质量浓度预报(填色)和天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 6  Forecasted PM10 concentration(the shaded) in onset stage of sand and dust storm event from 19 Mar to 24 Mar in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    图  7  2023年3月19—24日沙尘暴过程传输阶段CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0、CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5PM10质量浓度预报(填色)与天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 7  Forecasted PM10 concentration(the shaded) in transportation stage of sand and dust storm event from 19 Mar to 24 Mar in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    图  7  2023年3月19—24日沙尘暴过程传输阶段CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0、CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5PM10质量浓度预报(填色)与天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 7  Forecasted PM10 concentration(the shaded) in transportation stage of sand and dust storm event from 19 Mar to 24 Mar in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    图  8  2023年4月9—13日沙尘暴过程CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)与天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 8  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) of sand and dust storm event from 9 Apr to 13 Apr in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    图  8  2023年4月9—13日沙尘暴过程CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)与天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 8  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) of sand and dust storm event from 9 Apr to 13 Apr in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    图  9  2023年5月18—21日沙尘暴过程起沙阶段和传输阶段CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)与天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 9  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) in onset and transportation stages of sand and dust event from 18 May to 21 May in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    图  9  2023年5月18—21日沙尘暴过程起沙阶段和传输阶段CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5沙尘质量浓度预报(填色)与天气现象观测(符号)

    Fig. 9  Forecasted dust concentration(the shaded) in onset and transportation stages of sand and dust event from 18 May to 21 May in 2023 by CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5 with observed phenomena(the mark)

    表  1  CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5中MBA机制释放沙尘的三模态分布的几何平均直径(d)、几何标准差(σ)和缔结动能(e)

    Table  1  Geometric mean diameter(d), geometric standard deviation(σ) and binding energy(e) of three modes of dust released in MBA scheme in CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5

    分布参数 模态Ⅰ 模态Ⅱ 模态Ⅲ
    V1.0 V1.5 V1.0 V1.5 V1.0 V1.5
    d/μm 1.50 5.75 6.70 13.75 14.2 27.5
    σ 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5
    e/(g·cm2·s-2) 3.61 3.61 3.52 3.52 3.42 3.42
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    表  1  CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0和CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5中MBA机制释放沙尘的三模态分布的几何平均直径(d)、几何标准差(σ)和缔结动能(e)

    Table  1  Geometric mean diameter(d), geometric standard deviation(σ) and binding energy(e) of three modes of dust released in MBA scheme in CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.0 and CMA-CUACE/Dust V1.5

    分布参数 模态Ⅰ 模态Ⅱ 模态Ⅲ
    V1.0 V1.5 V1.0 V1.5 V1.0 V1.5
    d/μm 1.50 5.75 6.70 13.75 14.2 27.5
    σ 1.7 1.7 1.6 1.6 1.5 1.5
    e/(g·cm2·s-2) 3.61 3.61 3.52 3.52 3.42 3.42
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    表  2  我国春季沙尘强度等级与PM10质量浓度(单位:μg·m-3)的转换阈值

    Table  2  Thresholds of PM10 concentration(unit:μg·m-3) for spring dust intensity in China

    地区 扬沙或浮尘 沙尘暴 强沙尘暴 特强沙尘暴
    新疆地区 [245, 4890] [4891, 12388] [12389, 16235] 不低于16236
    西北地区 [408, 6031] [6032, 8150] 不低于8151
    东北地区 [408, 3260] [3261, 7824] 不低于7825
    其余地区 [408, 4727] [4728, 7172] 不低于7173
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    表  2  我国春季沙尘强度等级与PM10质量浓度(单位:μg·m-3)的转换阈值

    Table  2  Thresholds of PM10 concentration(unit:μg·m-3) for spring dust intensity in China

    地区 扬沙或浮尘 沙尘暴 强沙尘暴 特强沙尘暴
    新疆地区 [245, 4890] [4891, 12388] [12389, 16235] 不低于16236
    西北地区 [408, 6031] [6032, 8150] 不低于8151
    东北地区 [408, 3260] [3261, 7824] 不低于7825
    其余地区 [408, 4727] [4728, 7172] 不低于7173
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    表  3  2023年春季3—5月沙尘暴及以上级别过程

    Table  3  Processes above sand and dust storm from Mar to May in 2023

    编号 起止时间 级别 主要影响系统
    202306 03-19—03-24 强沙尘暴 地面冷锋、蒙古气旋
    202308 04-09—04-13 沙尘暴 蒙古气旋及冷锋
    202310 04-18—04-21 强沙尘暴 蒙古气旋及冷锋
    202312 04-27—04-29 沙尘暴 冷锋
    202314 05-18—05-21 沙尘暴 蒙古气旋、冷锋
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    表  3  2023年春季3—5月沙尘暴及以上级别过程

    Table  3  Processes above sand and dust storm from Mar to May in 2023

    编号 起止时间 级别 主要影响系统
    202306 03-19—03-24 强沙尘暴 地面冷锋、蒙古气旋
    202308 04-09—04-13 沙尘暴 蒙古气旋及冷锋
    202310 04-18—04-21 强沙尘暴 蒙古气旋及冷锋
    202312 04-27—04-29 沙尘暴 冷锋
    202314 05-18—05-21 沙尘暴 蒙古气旋、冷锋
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